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Everyone keeps babying my SS

jewel's picture

He is such a pain the the FU***** Ass. Almost 18 years old and just totally pathetic. I married a man whose first wife had died when SS was 13. My H and I are constantly fighting about him. It is tearing our marriage apart. My H wants him to finish high school which is normally a good thing, but this kid is almost 18 and still taking mostly 9th grade classes. WHAT THE HELL??? By H keeps thinking he's "going to turn things around." This kid is such a manipulative, lying, conniving little creep. I can barely stand to be in the same room with him. And my H has an older friend with a second marriage and stepkids that are grown who tells him "Your kids are your responsibility and you should let them stay in your home and support them as long as they are in school and doing what they are supposed to." I think that is ridiculous. We can't afford to support this kid for the next four or five years. Then his friend had the nerve to say that "whoever is not following the house rules- kid or me- should be thrown out." My H knows that's not even an option. What rules are these - ones made up by my husband. He decided we weren't going to have a baby. He decided how long SS is going to be allowed to live here and under what circumstances. What makes me truly sick is that when the SS is away, we get along really well. We are relaxed and enjoy each other's company. I am also quite tired of my H dead wife. Everyone acts like she was so fuc**** perfect. "She just had an inner beauty that shown through." or "SHe just lit up a room and people gravitated towards her." Well, not to speak ill of the dead but what about the ultimatum she gave H when she "unintentionally" became pregnant. "marry me or I'll have an abortion." Doesn't sound like perfection to me. Or that she was a highly paid stripper in her younger days. SOmthing my H did not tell me about at all. I heard it from his sister-in-law. Just a question here, but how likely is it for two brown haired, brown eyed people to have a blonde haired blue eyed child. Kid looks nothing like my H, but h doesn't doubt for a minute he's his kid because she would never lie about that. Maybe he's right, but you would think it would cause a little suspicion. There is other stuff too. Of course SS doesn't know anything about any of this which is probably why he thinks his mother is so perfect. He's never going to find a girl that is going to live up to the image that he has in his head of his mother and I don't think that's a good thing. Especially since most of what he thinks isn't even true!


ReadySetNot's picture

He is 8 his grnadmother seems to think I expect to much from him, I have him clean his room put away his cloths and out his dirty laundry in the hampoer and mkae his bed...but according to the grandmother and BM i'm makeing him do to many things for his age, this comming from a BM who lets her 8 yr old. have dtv in hbis bedroom with over 400 channles and a xbox360,ps3,ps2,psp. THE KID DOSNT GO OUTSIDE!!! When my fiance and I first got together the kid was telling everyone i was hitting him because in day care the other kids get in trouble for it so he thought i would. Well now i still dont touch at all just because I dont want to get blamed for something showing up on him because BM has all of a sudden decided to become mother of the year since she had her second child.

Casper3's picture

and more. And doesn't even whine about it. I don't think 8 is too young to start learning life skills

Abigail's picture

Maybe you should accidently get pregnant too. It worked for Miss Perfect.

"Evil Stepmothers aren't born, it comes with the territory"

jewel's picture

Believe me, I've thought about it. But I just can't bring myself to do that intentionally. My H has also made comments (ok he was angry at the time but still) like if I had a baby then I would have to take care of it and he would probably stay out more because he doesn't want to come home and listen to a crying baby. I basically believe that my marriage would be over if I got pregnant. Not that he would actually divorce me or walk ou, but emotionally he would not be there at all and that's just not the way I want to have a baby. But I know it just makes me sick it's like she will forever be the only woman to have given him a child. I have no children and I am getting older. Like I said before though, he says he doesn't want a kid in the house for the next 20 years, well it's ok for his little baby boy.

Casper3's picture

I don't know you're whole story and you might just be blowing off steam right now. You might only be giving us the negative part of what is happening in your marriage, and I realize that, but...Why are you staying with someone who would dismiss out of hand a desire that seems to be important to you? You really seem to want to have a child of your own and the family that goes along with it. I understand loving your husband, but if his wants and desires for the future are so different from yours, and you give in to him, won't you just end up resenting him if you stay?

I don't want to tell you what to do but I hate to see a woman give up a dream because a man said she has to.