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First blog. Need to know if I'm crazy or not for my thoughts.

Johnm0819's picture

Ok, here goes nothin'. So I started seeing my fiance 3 years ago. I had known her previously but we had never really hung out exclusively. We decided to go out and hit it off, the rest is history. I started going over to her place to hang out on the weekends mostly (I don't go out during the work week). I met her daughter who was 6 at the time and the kid seemed cool enough. And I did the new boyfriend thing and played nerf guns and superheroes with her really with my intentions being that she would see that I'm not a bad guy. Time went on and I started only going over to her place when her daughter was at her dad's for the weekend. The reason for that came because it became exhausting being asked to play ALL THE TIME. Like I was a new toy. I hit a breaking point when I woke up over there one Saturday morning still dead tired from working the previous day and she was awake, at 6am. "Hey, wanna play?" I immediately said no and felt like a jerk but at the time I didn't care, I was exhausted. No biggie, right? Well time went on and I continued to mainly go over there while she was at her dad's. The only time I'd really see her is if I'd arrive right before her dad picked her up. My relationship with my fiance has always been solid. When it's just us, we have a blast still to this day. Well one day I decided to ask her to marry me and things got really serious. Both of our leases were up so we decided to get an apartment big enough for the three of us which we have lived in since last october. Before moving in she told me her concerns of the fact that SD is going to actively test us to see our boundaries and was afraid I would leave. I assured her that wasn't the case. We went through the quarantine and she eventually lost her job leaving me the sole breadwinner. My job made us quarantine for 7 weeks while still paying my full salary in mid march. That's where the situation started to crumble. I noticed how much of an enabler her mom was and the fact that she basically let her run the house all day. I had never noticed this because of course I was always working during the day. Asking for snacks and getting them every 20 minutes, taking over the living room with Disney channel, pouting and crying if she didn't get her way. I had always gone to bed earlier than everyone so now that I was able to stay up later I noticed how she would be told to go to bed, leave her bed atleast 5 times a night for mommy attention with BS excuses like her tummy hurt, and mom would oblige until she snapped. Then I noticed that SD would wake up at 10-11am because of course she would go to bed, but mom never made her turn off electronics so God knows when she actually fell asleep. She has to be involved in EVERYTHING. She has 0 independence because mom has always done what she wanted because she feels bad because SD had to go through a really rough divorce. I've never met her father, not my choice. I've asked countless times and never once met him. I now cringe when I walk through my front door after work knowing that I come home everyday to a living room that's been taken over. We have a room specifically for media that has literally everything an 8 year old could want and the living room is completely ransacked and taken over EVERY DAY. My fiance hit a rut after her layoff so I usually end up doing the household chores after work. I just want to know that I'm not crazy for feeling like I do. I just want SD to have some structure so that she's not an absolute terror when she gets older. Also, I'm quite tired of the "she's a kid" or "she's been cooped up in this house for months" excuses. Kid has everything in the world to keep her occupied and enjoying herself in our home. She still sees her best friend in person regularly and has sleep overs. She talks back, only hears what she wants to hear, doesn't listen, cries or pouts when she doesn't get her way and it raises my blood pressure every single day to where I've started having drinks on the weekends while both of them sleep until 11am. HELP! Thanks for reading my blog.


justmakingthebest's picture

I know you don't want to hear it but Covid has screwed with all of our lives and so many things have been thrown out the windows- schedules included. That being said- you aren't crazy.

Here is my advice:

You need to sit down when your FSD isn't home and have a real come to Jesus meeting with your GF. She needs to get a job. There are so many places hiring and she needs to rejoin the work force. Enough is enough.

Your SD needs to get back on a real schedule just as if she was in school. She needs to have a daily small chore and clean her room up daily. I was always a fan of doing it the 15 mins before bed time- I trained my kids and to this day as teenagers, picking up their room before the get in bed is just habit.

You SD is about to start school again- either online, in person or a hybrid. This will help with your argument to get it going now. 

Once your GF gets another job, she needs to find daycare for SD. That will also help with containing the chaos. 

Johnm0819's picture

Oh I 100% agree she needs to get back on a schedule. Fiance just got a job so hopefully things get better. But basically right now the kid has no schedule other than her bedtime is between 8-8:30 and mom takes away her phone at 10pm. 10pm! i HATE that her grandmother gave her a phone. I want to throw it into a fire.

justmakingthebest's picture

All my kids have to put their phones on the charging station in our kitchen at 8pm. They have smart TV's in their rooms and can watch the dang youtube stuff on that but the phones are gone. Might be worth a discussion. 

tog redux's picture

I knew where this was going when you said that she asked you to play all day long and her mother never set one limit on that.

No, you aren't wrong, children need limits and boundaries. Yes, kids went a little crazy cooped up in the house, but that's not excuse for not having rules or having her do chores.

The problem is, if your SO thought she had a parenting problem, she would have fixed it already - she doesn't think there is an issue. So you will have to make clear to her that this may be a deal breaker for you and see what she's willing to change.

Rumplestiltskin's picture

Best case, mom also sees that it's an issue and is grateful for some help with structure and behavior. It has to be exhausting being expected to entertain and clean up after the child all day and night. Maybe if you bring it up as a way to make the household mire peaceful and clean...

Worst case, you get the "she's just a kid, you must hate her!" Line, and the mom enjoys a completely child-centered life. If that happens, run! 

Johnm0819's picture

Another problem is if I give my opinion on how something should be handled I get the "you're too old school line." It's just how I was raised. I have a really good memory of my childhood and my parents weren't tyrants but I still had structure. And if I hear her ask if she can have mac and cheese again I'm gonna snap.

justmakingthebest's picture

What is wrong with "old school" there are a lot less entitled brats with old school parenting? We don't put up with the nonsense! 

My parents weren't tyrants either but for dinner there was no special short order cook stuff. We ate what we had. We had to take 2 bites of everything and then if we still didn't want it we could make a peanut butter and jelly. That was the only other option and we got up and made it ourselves. I have done the same with my kids and amazingly enough they are not picky eaters at all! 

JRI's picture

The one positive thing I see is that before you moved in, your SO discussed boundaries with you.  It's time to have another, or actually ongoing, discussions with her about the girl.  You and I know parenting isn't being done properly.  Talk to your SO, does she feel like changes are needed?  What does she suggest?  If she is open to discussions, if the two of you can come up with a plan and, most difficult, if she can stick to her part, you have a chance of making this work.  If not, I'm pessimistic.  Goid luck, you sound like a good guy.  PS: a parenting class wouldn't hurt either of you.

Johnm0819's picture

Yeah I've entered therapy to see if there are any methods or ways I can calm my irritation and frustration.

Johnm0819's picture

This is my first day on this site and I already feel more support from y'all than anyone I've talked about it to. Thanks everyone, so much.