What a long, long, long day
It has been, sigh... my DH's little brother is getting married in Oct. and his barchelor party is tonight, so my MIL and one of my SIL came to town with their husbands to hang out, the kicker is of course that since they live in smaller cities and we in the big city they wanted to go shoping and I have the skids with me, fun!
Before I knew SIL was coming I thought of making the outing "kid oriented" going to the zoo or the science centre, I knew grandma would enjoy that, and it's so much easier than having to drag an SS6 and SD8 through the f-ing mall all afternoon!
But guess what, we ended up at the f-ing mall anyways! and by then I had left my house in grandma's car so I had to tag along. What an ordeal! to make it worse they both smoke and I quit three years ago and I so wanted a freaking cigarrete! I hate going any where with these kids with out DH!
They mind me, for the most part but it's a waiste of time because I can't take my eyes off of them to do any shopping! they drive me insane! and on top of that I'm always paranoid that something bad is going to happen to them and I'm not their legal gardian so I have no power in the eyes of the law to make any decision on their behalf and with my DH getting drunk at the party... at least grandma was with us, that helped a bit, but not a whole lot because when I was stern with the kids she would make a little comment "oh, they are just excited" THAT IS THE PROBLEM!I wanted to shout at her.
Anyways we made it home around 10 p.m. and after putting them to bed I checked the phone for messages and guess what there is a message from BM saying that her Dad want's them to come over on Wed for her nephews first birthday. My first reaction was WTF! the kids just started school last Thrusday and she is supposed to have them on friday after school for the labor day weekend they can't wait to have the party on Saturday? they shouldn't start missing class and getting behind... but then as I grabed my laptop and sat down on my couch, felt the peace and quite and started to unwind from the very stressful night, I'm thinking screw it, freaking take them, two extra days of this peace and quite are very welcome!
Gosh I so want a smoke....
- joylacker's blog
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Thanks! :)
You are right and I did put your advice into action; BM called today and I was already disengaged so I pretty much let the DH handle it and it works better that way
about two months ago I told the DH that I have tried to be nice to BM but she keeps being nasty to me, and I have no control over BM's actions but I do have a choice over mine and I realized that unlike him, I don't have to deal with ther bs so he can deal with her and fill me in with what he thinks I should know, and of course, I'm here for support if he needs to vent or needs my advice or oppinion, but she is his problem, I divorced her too, LOL, I actually told him that and he got a kick out of it 

So, yes it is easier if I let the "parents" manage their offspring and I just support the DH when he needs me
BTW I think it's wonderful that you are taking the time to share what you have learned with your expiernce as a SD, thank you and please keep sharing I really appreciate it