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Frustrating SS

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I spent yesterday afternoon volunteering for SS12 choir rehearsal for the Christmas concert. He was with BM last week and this is the start of our week. So we weren't going to see him to remind him to go to the rehearsal after school. Normally he just gets off the bus. The last time they did this, he just went home and I am there volunteering with no SS. DH had to drive him. So this time, DH texted BM to remind him to go to the rehearsal. She texted back she did. He also sent an email to his last teacher of the day. Lo and behold he actually showed up. Yeah, until I looked at him and realized he looked like a refugee. Jeans too short and a jacket that fit terribly and hair that hadn't seen a hairbrush at all. So frustrating. He immediately cops an attitude with the kid next to him and as I am trying to separate them, the teacher gets involved. I am only volunteering to offset some of the bullying he is getting, but I am convinced that he actually causes some of the problems.

His BM has him in the group therapy for some of the social problems. But, I think we should just let the kid quit. He won't sing on stage or dance. Why is he involved in this. It is just painful to watch.

I told DH all of this and he had to come relieve me so I could take my son to scouts. He saw his son's attitude and the lack of participation. So he talked to him and asked me to get involved with the conversation. I explained that I think it is time to let him quit and find another activity at school. SS didn't want another one. I was adamant that we have to find you something. If we don't we are just encouraging him to quit when it gets hard. At least if he has another outlet at school, it will keep encouraging social skills. If we don't and all he has is Karate, he will just keep getting more anti-social. But, after seeing the behavior of the other boys in the choir and his lack of interest, I think it is time to pull the plug on this. I am hoping DH actually talks to BM and they find something else. This has to end. I am absolutely embarassed that that is my SS. I am ashamed to feel that way. DH is probably going to threaten to take away the XBox if he doesn't sing in the concert tonight. There is something seriously wrong with that.