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Link to Crain's article on Steparents and their non-role in their families lives.

Jsmom's picture

Interesting article. I wish they had gone into more depth but, at least someone recognizes that we are a non-entity to so many individuals in our kids lives.


Kilgore SMom's picture

I agree that the comment was rude "excess baggage". All adults that show up for anything a child does at school should be treat with respect. Thats just showing teachers which parent has their childs best interest at heart. And if it is the stepparent then so be it. I hope she was a minority in teacher thinking that why. I've never been treated like that at ss school. Alot of the parents still think I'm ss mom. (Bio mom has only been 2 times)I go to everthing. The article was good. I would like to see more.

frustrated-mom's picture

I had so many problems with SD15‘s school - even though DH had sole custody. Her BM had her parental rights terminated but the school but the school still wouldn’t allow me to make any sort of decisons about SD15 and I had one of her teachers tell me that he would need to speak to DH and he couldn’t speak with someone who was not a parent or guardian. I was absolutely incensed. I’m her father’s wife, yet I’m treated by the school like I’m the maid or babysitter.