So conflicted about this new development...
DH saw the lawyer and has added SD15 to the modification. I have no idea of the terminology on this. SS13 wants to be here, SD15 doesn't and since they never finished the last case with SD15 suing us to live with BM, it is now being all added together. DH feels since he is about to spend all this money for SS to live with us, he might as well add SD. Since she is so out of control it would be better for her here. BM and SD will freak out when this comes out on Thursday. DH and the lawyers agree that it may force her to let SS go. SD15 hates us and will want no part of living here.
We have discussed it several times now and he seems to understand that it will be hell if she comes here. It may be a long shot, but if she does, it will really be awful. I am willing to try this for three months. If she is absolutely a terror and it doesn't seem like we can break her, I will move out with BS16. I swear this sounds like something that has to be done to these kids that go into a cult. She has had free reign since she walked out May 2009. Before that for two years BM undermined any parenting that DH was trying to do. BM is never home, the kid has a sleepover every other night best we can figure from Facebook. BM works a lot and frankly could care less. In the last month, we have heard of several instances of laws she was breaking in our town. She has bleached her hair white from brunette. BM allowed piercing of cartilidge at the top of the ear. We had said 18 when she was living with us. She is on boyfriend number 5 at least. We have had friends tell us they know she is sexually active. She was dating a popular senior and he was bragging about it.
Countless stories and Facebook pics and postings have caused DH and I to be very afraid of who she is becoming. I do think if we get her, we can possibly fix her as long as BM has only occasional visitation. Do I think a judge will see it the way we do, NO. But, if a conservative judge gets this and doesn't agree with BM's parenting, we could possibly get her.
I am willing to continue being married to my husband and just live somewhere else if this happens. I never thought I would consider this type of marriage. I spent years single after my husband died and I don't really want to do it again. But, I will not subject my son or myself to her manipulation and misery. Trust me after what she has put us through, DH is planning on making her miserable.
He has said she will be grounded immediately. He will make sure the hair color is reversed and the earring comes out. Her life will be awful. No phone, no internet. She has to come into this very humble for him not to impose this stuff.
I just want SS13, I do not want this child. I am more than happy to have DH and her have regular visitation, just do not include the rest of us. I am the one that kept pushing him to ask for it. He wanted it to be on her terms. That has not worked out since BM has undermined it at every turn. He has seen his daughter about 4 times since she left. It is really sad. DH didn't push it and still hasn't. I thought he should insist on something in the document that they worked out at the mediator. No rather than do that, now we want to go for full custody.
I know I can do this. I am in a better place than I was when we moved in together before the wedding. I did not understand the hell we were in. Know I understand what are my problems and what aren't. I am willing to get involved this time. As long as he backs me up. First sign that that is not happening, I am gone. I am financially stable and have a house that eventually I can move the tenant out of. I do not need him other than emotionally. What I do not need is a child in my life that is disrespectful and manipulative.
My idea of parenting and his are close, but not as close as I would like. I would want to know where she is going and what she is doing all the time. I would expect some chores. The last time she was grounded here for lying, she was miserable and she made the rest of us miserable.
I am hoping that since she is 15 we won't get her. But, since BM has screwed up the last year, that may be my own fantasy. Has anyone heard of a Judge changing custody at this age, even if the child doesn't want it? That kid is not stupid and she knows if she lives here she will have no freedom. She is not going to like this.
- Jsmom's blog
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I don't know jsmom....what's
I don't know jsmom....what's his reason for wanting to go for custody and a situation that would cause the remainder of the family hell?
It's his child, but is ONE child more valuable then the entire family? Can you convince him to just drop the SD case and fight for SS?
I doubt that they will give
I doubt that they will give your DH custody of the 15 year old. Especially when she has a fit and says she will not live with you and DH. I just don’t see it happening. Not unless BM is a totally useless crack addicted, non-working prostitute.
Im sure there is more to this story, but all the things you listed are fairly normal for a 15 year old. It is also normal for high school boys to brag about having sex with girls that they haven’t. lol. How did she break the law?
I could not do it in your shoes. I barely made it through my own kids terrible teens, much less someone else’s. Good luck.
"Not unless BM is a totally
"Not unless BM is a totally useless crack addicted, non-working prostitute."
LOL - I'm sorry but this made me if she was a working prostitute then it's okay but a non-working prostitute? Unacceptable!
"non-working prostitute?"
"non-working prostitute?" Bwahaha! Just curious as to why she would not be working. Poor job performance? Work related injury? Hmm...wonder if she could get Workers' Comp? Wait - I know...she was LAID-off!!!! LOL!!!!
Thanks - I needed a giggle today!
And yeah I agree why spend
And yeah I agree why spend thousands and the aggravation and all the stress-its' VERY likely the judge won't change the order.
Does he want her to remember the last childhood years of parents fighting over the kids as posessions??? I'd encourage him to drop the SD petition honestly.
We live in a town that has
We live in a town that has golf carts. It is the main method of transportation for teenagers. But, with that there are a bunch of rules and regs. She has broken them so much and recently almost killed some Boy scouts hiking on the paths. They knew us and told us what happened. Several friends have called and told us other similar stories. She is a teen ager that needs to be reigned in. If you have a normal situation for a child to have rules than a child who is manipulative and rambunctious can be controlled and turn out okay. But, if you have a child with that strong personality with no rules than they get out of control really fast. We suspect many things that unfortunately we can not prove them.
I doubt we will get custody as well, I am just trying to wrap my head around it if we do. I need to have a plan in my head and continually reiterate it to DH so that I don't end up where we were last time.
Overit - there is no turning back now. DH thinks he has to do this for SD. If we can get her, his attitute is at least we can prevent her from not getting pregnant in HS. We may not be able to change all of her issues, but at least we can do that. His hope is that it will force BM to stop lying to SS and DH and let him come live with us. We are willing to let the CS go if she does. This give him bargaining leverage with BM. I really wish he had listened to me two years ago and sued for full custody of both kids then. We would at least have had a chance to raise SD to be a good person.
"DH thinks he has to do this
"DH thinks he has to do this for SD." So his guilt then...but again what about your SS, your BS, you, your marriage?
You and him cant' avoid her getting pregnant by her living with you. You CAN encourage birth control-the one that lasts like 3 years (implanon or something)....other then that the other issues....
I just dont' see how his guilt over one child is justified in possibly destroying an entire family unit.
I think he feels he has to do
I think he feels he has to do this, since BM is just messing things up so badly. I think his tipping point was the blonde hair. Blows my mind since all the other things have been way worse. This one was just so in your face on Facebook.
I agree at what cost will this happen. Like I said, I will leave if it becomes apparent that we are not on the same page and she is making my life miserable. BS comes with me. He is my priority. He is a good kid, I will be damn if she and her temper tantrums will screw that up.
As for pregnancy, we have talked about it and there will be no boys....We will be with her all the time and I will make sure she has Depo or something else. I am not going through that. If we force that, we can avoid it.
My parents were able to raise three daughters and I know what they did with us. They were at every basketball game or football game we attended. They were in our lives, we had freedom, but they always seemed to be there instilling their values and morals. By damn it worked, since all of us got through unscathed and relatively successful in our lives and families.
I *loved* Mirena when I was
I *loved* Mirena when I was on it (lasts 5 years), so you might want to check that out as a possibility. Some (mostly old school) doctors won't give it to teens or young women b/c apparently in the 70's or something there was an issue with certain IUDs causing infertility (or so I was told when I asked for it the first time).
As for the money, it won't
As for the money, it won't cost anymore to add this to the modification we are seeking for SS13. He has asked us to do this. He no longer wants to live with BM. Problem is we have not told him and have no plans to unless it comes to fruition that his sister may come with him. He doesn't want to live with his sister. She picks on him so terribly that she is part of the reason he wants to come.
Trust me I do not want this. But, I will support DH in this. I think he is dreaming. I just hope that the strategy works and we get SS.
Ok-less sense-the boy wants
Ok-less sense-the boy wants to get away from her, you do, she's not safe aroudn anyone you really think he'll fight for both-or he's just hoping to use THAT as a manipulation tactic for mom to give in to SS going with you guys?
If so, strategic move that could backfire horribly on your entire family. I guess its' too late-but I really think you guys are putting everything at risk, the whole family for a child that wants nothign to do with you guys and is likely too late to set straight.
I think it is a manipulation
I think it is a manipulation tactic that he feels he has to try. Also, a part of him I think thinks that he at least tried with SD. When she comes back years later he can say he did try and give her a better home. So he can throw it back at her. At least that is what I think and what I would do when she does try to come back and get money from us for college.
I know it could backfire...That is why I am so conflicted. I want to tell him no...But, I really want SS13. I know we can give him a better life. She ignores him and he is so happy here. All I want is to protect him. I am so worried about him now, since he went home yesterday for his week. He told me he is planning on yelling at BM for lying to him. There is no way to protect him from her now. He just stays in his room over there. It is sad...
"As for pregnancy, we have
"As for pregnancy, we have talked about it and there will be no boys....We will be with her all the time and I will make sure she has Depo or something else. I am not going through that. If we force that, we can avoid it.
My parents were able to raise three daughters and I know what they did with us. They were at every basketball game or football game we attended. They were in our lives, we had freedom, but they always seemed to be there instilling their values and morals. By damn it worked, since all of us got through unscathed and relatively successful in our lives and families"
Jsmom-please know i'm not arguing with you-but trying to present another side here.
You cant make sure 24/7 there are no boys-just won't happen...there WILL be boys. You can't I think legally force her to go on Depo but you can encourage it.
You have wonderful parents taht are involved just as shitty parents that end up w/teenage pregnant girls-because teens HAVE SEX. Nothing will stop them-not being the worst or best parent in the world.
I had wonderful parents, involved, very moral, church going, strict but loving, watched me like a HAWK-mom had her village watching me if I wasn't in her presence. Still I had sex in my older teen years. It's almost like I feel your h is being johny come lately with this and might completely backfire on your family. Best of luck regardless, keep us posted though. My thoughts are with you.
I know you are trying to put
I know you are trying to put another point of view here. I grew up with a military officer for a father and a mother who was a high ranking civilian in the army command. I know how to govern a child. Let me repeat, after what she put us through this year, it will be my pleasure to restrict her every movement.
As for me, I did not have sex until my 21st birthday. My sisters were 18 and 19. It can be done. Does it take vigilence? Hell yes. A child does not have to have a social life. They have to go to school and be clothed and fed. That is it. And for at least 6 months that is all that this child will get. We have to break all the permissiveness that BM allowed.
If you do not allow a child to go anywhere without a parent besides school, you can control who she hangs with and what she does.
We know she is having sex, we can't change the past, but we can change her future if we act quickly. Otherwise, this child is going to a boot camp type of facility or a boarding school so that I do not have to deal with her. With the CS we will get it will easily cover it.
Hell, the judge won't change
Hell, the judge won't change the custody order if the 15-yr-old WANTS it changed AND her CP BM and SF beat her. That's what we've got going on.
Hugs to you, and best of luck in getting SS13.
It's actually the state of
It's actually the state of Louisiana. The out-of-state military thing is "too unstable" and "not in the child's best interest" even though we've been in the same house for five years while BM has moved at least twice in the same time.
"Beat" is a slight exaggeration - both BM and her SF "spank" her with little extras such as BM wielding a belt or a hairbrush, or SF punching her in the arm or inadvertently pulling her hair while grabbing and shaking her. There are no marks. There is no proof.
We're offering to take her temporarily - not long enough to trigger change of custody jurisdiction, put her in a private Christian school (BM is a Believer - God talks to her) and CONTINUE TO PAY CS. No deal. The temporary bit is one school semester, to figure out if it really is in her best interest.
The custody order has never
The custody order has never been changed. After mediation BM stalled and didn't sign it. So now it may come back to bite her. Legally we still have custody of her.