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Update on CS

Jsmom's picture

Well DH met with the lawyers yesterday and it turns out the BM should have been paying him CS the last 5 years almost 500 a month. He can't collect anything now. But, now that she has SD14 full time he owes according the the calculations about $96.00 a month. She doesn't realize that yet, since her lawyers and ours are playing chicken with each other. But, that is really far off of the $1500 she told DH she was entitled to. But, she only wanted $500 a month. Yeah right.

Funnier thing is when they did the modification three years ago, she agreed to pay for all the kids summer camps. We just put out $800 for SS11 to go to a nice camp and now she has to reimburse that. She also, sent SD14 to a camp at the cost of over 1000K and I am sure she thinks she can make us pay half when this goes to mediation. Nice try. She has probably forgotten that she had this put in, since she didn't want MIL and FIL to babysit in the summer. So now the plan is to send SS11 to a camp next year to learn how to design video games to the tune of $2200. She will have no choice but to pay for it. Lawyers are saying that it will stay in the CO unless she requests it. But, we don't think she even remembers it.

After the drama this week with her threatening to call the police and my having to document the entire conversation, it is nice to get good news from the lawyers for once. We definitely want it all settled by October if we can. DH thinks he will be getting another promotion and doesn't want her to get anymore.

I think she finally getting back some of the bad Karma she has caused with all of this. Now after everything and my warnings about his daughter and Facebook, the lawyers are actually telling us to print everything on her and her Sd's. They think that if she won't agree to our counter proposal when we get her first proposal, they want to force her hand. I am not sure how this will play out. My suspicion is that DH and the lawyers are thinking of going for full custody at that point. I don't think he is telling me that in order to not upset me. But, I know I do not want her back in the house. He was talking about if her grades drop in the fall, he wants to go back to court. We have spent 7k so far and we don't even have SD14.

I just want to see the proposal from BM and then he can counter it. But, her lawyer wont give it until he sees the financials and our lawyer won't messenger them over. So it is like a pissing match. Apparently these two law firms have about 4 cases against each other and this is the drawn out game they play. I really hate lawyers.


Willow2010's picture

I have never understood why any CS has to change hands if the kids are split, or if custody is 50/50.

I would smack your lawyer! lol

Rags's picture

You can always get custody and send her to boarding school. That protects the kid from the toxic BM and limits any exposure your family/home has to the Skids crap.

Best regards.

Jsmom's picture

My plan if he ends up going for custody and wins is to support him and have little opinion on anything. Then living with my mom when she is in the house. My mom lives alone in a huge house about 3 miles away. So it would be easy to do it.

We can stay married, but I will not reside in this house when she is here.

I do not want to be the reason it fails. It will fail, and I don't want to be their scapegoat. My son will have the choice on where he wants to reside at that time.

Jsmom's picture

For the last 5 years DH had 50/50 so CS was never pursued. BM wants it now because she says SD14 needs therapy because of the situation. Yeah!!! Turns out he could have gone for it and would have gotten it. Lawyer says it is too late now. Since we have SS11 50/50 and no custody of SD14 if this goes BM's way, there is a small amount. Which is annoying since BM salary is 25% higher than DH's. But, since we know the country club she just joined is the same amount, 96.00 a month, we figured we are just paying her dues for her. Yeah still irritated about that one.

Willow2010's picture

We can stay married, but I will not reside in this house when she is here.

:jawdrop: That sucks.

Rags's picture

It is my understanding that many jurisdictions require a 2yr wait between requests to change custody or support.

Besides, I would love to be in the court room when the BM tried to sell a boarding school education as a bad thing to a judge.

My SS's SpermGrandMa threatened to take us to court when SS went to Military School and that we were evil for sending him off to boarding school. As soon as I told her that we would see her in court she shut up.

The funny thing is that when we brought him home mid way through his second year because he shoved his head up his ass she freaked out and told us that we were evil for bringing him home.

She nor her idiot son paid a dime towards that opportunity for my SS. That was all his Mom and I.

Best regards.

Jsmom's picture

This modification process started almost three years to the day from her last modification. Here it is three years. Hopefully they will stick to that, since by then SD14 will be almost 18 and it won't be an issue.

Jsmom's picture

Funny thing about that is, the older SD, when she was expelled at one of our local high schools a few years ago, they couldn't deal with her, so they sent her away to a boot camp school for 9 months. She never could come back the HS here so the BM's husband sent her back to her mom's in CA.

I am all for it, unfortunately I don't think DH would like it.