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I think it may be over......just a vent....not about skids

jswan's picture

Last night...I don't remember how we got on the topic of children , but we did and over a period of time it ended up in a full blown argument.
The problem....I want to marry and have another child(I have 1 bio-son and never married) and he does not(he's been divorced and has 2 kids). The bigger problem.....he never bothered to tell me this until AFTER we moved in together which I only agreed to do if marriage was in the horizon and he did not oppose; and never once said he didn't want more children only that it was something he would consider.
I took on soooo much of his and emotional, AND the kids. The kids get on my nerves sometimes but I treat them like my own. He destroyed me financially because he wasn't honest or he was overly optimistic...don't know which one...about his finances when we moved in together. I thought the rent on the house was too much but he said we could afford it and I knew he made good money...he's an engineer for a big network company...but he failed to tell me that (at the time) he was paying $1800 in cs, $800 for her car(which actually was his), and $400 backed cs a month(which was a load of crap from her-he would pay her $5k-6k every three months because that's when his contracts would pay- he was self employed at the time). We've finally paid off the car, no more backed cs, no more alimony, but that $1800 just kills us every month.
I took on all of this, I didn't run for the hills, but clearly I guess I should've...because this was the man I fell in love with and he was the one I wanted to have a family life with.
So now...we are four years into this relationship, I'm in my mid-30s and I will probably have to start over again. What if I by the time I fall in love again I don't want children because I'll be too old. :?
I feel so weird right now...part of me wants to cry and part of me just wants the drama to be over.


stepkate's picture

Brad Pitt has enough kids to start a new UN and a BM who kissed her brother with tongue.

Cute only gets you so far.

jswan's picture

Thanks for the words of advice and the hugs Smile

I guess I do need to get my running shoes on and hit the ground running.. it's sad though.
I really wish I wasn't at work right now...I can't even concentrate.

stepkate's picture

I'm not going to lie here-as soon as BF suggested we move in together, I had a look at his paycheck and saw exactly what was going where. He, too, left out details and is very 'optimistic' about money. I'm the 'penny-pincher' whenever I bring him back to reality. The more I read of these posts, the more determined I am to safeguard my savings and income.

I think that we both need to definitely assert ourselves as far as finances go-if the rent looks to you to be too high, trust your gut and tell him 'no.' I'm trying to learn how to use this word with BF very often-I can tell he's not used to hearing it.

jswan's picture

Stepkate, I wish I had been that smart...instead of taking his word for it. Good for you, girl!

jswan's picture

That sad thing is that we have talked about it before....I think it has only delayed the inevitable. I'm 34, just turned a couple of weeks don't think that's too old to have another child?

bizbear's picture

jswan I had my first child when I was 34 and my last child when I was 37 1/2...and one in between! Heck no 34 is NOT to old to have another child.