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Bury the hatchet REALLY. Just vent.

justanothergurlNJ's picture

Would I like to bury the hatchet, forget the past, move on from the bullshit and get along for the greater good of everyone involved? Sure I would. I am not a bitter evil wicked witch, but I am also not a pushover nor will I allow myself to get burned time after time. Last time a put aside all the nonsense it came back to bite me in the ass on many levels. Even now I’d like to. I’ve thought about it and then I hear comments like. “Why do you have to pay rent it’s your girlfriends house” WTF! REALLY! My response because he fucking lives here and should contribute to the living expenses, if he doesn’t do it in my house, he’s going to have to do it somewhere on his OWN! Not everyone gets a free ride! “well you take care of HER kids” UMMMM NO! He makes HALF what I make. “I” take care of my kids. From their basic needs to any gadgets, electronics, sports, spending money all comes from MY PAYCHECK!!!! Another of my favorites “well you put food in the house” UMMM AGAIN NO! I buy the bulk of the food, he buys anything special for himself that the rest if the house doesn’t eat, any special foods he needs for his son and YES he buys some house hold items GASP! He should be burned at the steak for putting tooth paste or paper towels in a house HE lives in. Then there are the dumb things about smoking and gym memberships!! AGAIN REALLY! Would you prefer he went back to his old ways of coping? OH wait YES, YES you would. You’d love that!!! You'd love to see him relapse, end up in prison it would make your fucking day. Maybe not all of you, but some of you! So keep this in mind the next time you say can’t we bury the hatchet. Sure we can if you know your boundaries and THINK before you speak! Which we all know that won't happen.

Stay out of my pocket, stay out of my house and keep my name out of your mouth. Fucking BM and SO's Mom are really testing my " not my monkeys not my circus" mantra. This isn't a fucking circus this is a god damn freak show American Horror Story version.


DaizyDuke's picture

Exactly... unfortunately I DO have to help pay the mortgage and other bills that make SD16 standard of living one fit for a Perfect Precious Princess.. but above and beyond that? Hell no.

DH and I were talking yesterday about a good friend of mine and he asked how much she was getting from her ExH for CS. I said nothing.. she doesn't want or need his money. (She is engaged to a man who owns his own very lucrative business and they have plenty of money.) DH says "Well, that's not right, her daughter is NOT her fiancés responsibility"

I had to bite my tongue and not go there because I was not in the mood for a pissing match.. but oh how contraire DH.... when was the last time BM1 paid you a fucking PENNY for SD16? Oh that's right NEVER. Men can be so stoooopid!

Teas83's picture

I'm the same as you, Daizy. I help pay the mortgage and bills for the beautiful house we've provided for SD. I'm also the one who had the down payment for the house. I used to pay for clothes and other things for her, but I stopped doing that awhile ago. If I do pick something up for her, I make my husband reimburse me.

My husband has a friend who lives with his girlfriend and her kids. She doesn't get child support from her ex. My husband thinks that his buddy is just the greatest guy because he takes care of these kids that aren't even his. Yet he doesn't really notice the same thing about me and what I'm doing for his daughter.

justanothergurlNJ's picture

BM is dog shit on the street. You walk by it and think oh I gross.. And continue on. Don't dwell on it and obsess over the dog shit on the side walk. Avoid it.

justanothergurlNJ's picture

It's not so much that I am expected to support the skids, it's more of I should give SO a free fucking ride so BM can have his whole crappy 10$ an hour paycheck. NOOOOOOOO!!!! And yes smoking is bad for him, but if I have to chose between smoking and drinking/drugs ummm smoke away and the gym is part of what keeps him sober. Instead of turning to the bottle to cope he works it out, puts his energy to good use, but these selfish bitches won't see that.

kathc's picture

Why are you even talking to her? You should go no contact with BM, seriously. Let your SO deal with her.

If anyone feels the need to tell you what she's saying, cut them out too.

You don't need that crap.

justanothergurlNJ's picture

I have no contact with her, So sometimes will tell me because he needs to vent and sometimes I am just in earshot and it isn't hard to figure out what is being said.