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just.his.wife's picture

I like it! Honestly I do!

I do nothing for his kids. No ensuring homework is done, chores done, projects worked on, tests studied for. No laundry. No cleaning after them. I have saved over $50.00 in gas in less than a week by refusing to drive them anywhere. Apparently the afore mentioned items made me a bitch, according to the kids on Sunday. If I was a bitch Sunday I can't wait to find out what I am now since their cell phones were canceled yesterday. The Contract really was up. I cancelled their four lines, purchased myself and DH two new 4G phones and renewed for two lines only. Their parents can get them cell phones! (Oh yeah, their parents credit SUCKS so they can't, oops).

DH is really starting to get tired of coming home to no chores done, homework not done and four teenagers watching tv or playing video games. He did question once why I was not making the kids do what they were supposed to, so I borrowed a phrase I see repeated on here often Not my children, not my problem(s).

And Older SD the answer to your multiple questions this evening: No. I am not taking you shopping for a prom dress. I am not getting your hair or nails done. No to the new shoes as well. And I think your dad needs to drug test you after the idiotic request for a limo. (She does not have a date, she is going stag, but wants a limo and wants us to pay for it.)


twopines's picture

>>>If I was a bitch Sunday I can't wait to find out what I am now since their cell phones were canceled yesterday.<<<

Love this! Go you!!