Granny is grounded.
Skid2 (THE 17 YEAR OLD!!) is grounded for skipping school. He has no electronics for a two week period. If it plugs in or runs off batteries, he is not allowed to use it. DH handed him an old fashioned wind up alarm clock before the kid could even bring up his alarm clock was electric. DH also will not be writing him an excuse for missing classes, so if his grades fall due to his ‘adventure’ it is all on him and he will have to fight to get them back up. DH did email his band director, that Skid missed practice because he skipped school. Band director emailed back that he must come and dress out for the football game tonight, will not be allowed to march (that will kill the kid, to see a hole in the formation where he SHOULD be.)
DH also called his XMIL and XFIL last night and advised them the children would not be coming this weekend to spend the weekend at their house. He explained, clearly, that he is the parent they see the kids because he allows them to. It is not a legal or god given right. He also stated that Granny obviously knew what she was doing DH would not have approved of: or she would have asked him.
XMIL attempted a guilt trip, The ‘your punishing me for loving my grandkids’ angle. DH’s reply was ‘No I am grounding you from them due to being a bad influence on them and encouraging not just one, but two of them to skip school.’ Apparently, granny did not consider it a skip since they were with family.
Skid4 (15 year old!!) was a little upset at first, he was looking forward to getting out of the house for the weekend, so we set it up for him to go visit DH’s brother and his wife for the weekend. Nothing huge planned but it gets him out of the house and since HE behaved there is no reason he should be punished. Skid3 (THE 16 YEAR OLD) wants to go too but that depends on her weekly report that comes home from school today with behavior, grades etc on it. If her behavior and attitude are ok, then fine she can go too. Skid2, nope, he is staying home. No fun for him, he had his fun, very briefly, yesterday.
- just.his.wife's blog
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I don't think that you and
I don't think that you and your DH could have handled that better!! You guys are making such a great team
. Congratulations on being awesome parents!
Way to go! Nice way of
Way to go! Nice way of showing everyone who is the boss in your home! Hope this lesson sinks in to everyone involved.
I'd be tempted to also
I'd be tempted to also include Peanut butter n jelly sandwiches for SS17's lunch and dinner all this weekend. He wanted to 'try' the restaurant so bad and so enjoyed the 'food' he got there, I'd keep reminding him this weekend just how yummy that food was he tried too sneak around and get. Just a gentle reminded that if he had not been such a sneak he'd be off to Gma's house having all kinds of goodies and great food, but instead will be getting some more of that new 'Italian' restaurant food
LOL! I like this idea!!
LOL! I like this idea!!
Bwwwwwwwaaahahahahahaha....‘your punishing me for loving my grandkids’
And his comeback was that he was grounding an adult!
So happy to once again see anyone having to deal with the consequences of their bad decisions.