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just.his.wife's picture

DH got a call from BM's parents a short while ago. Apparently they paid her June and July rent, but can not afford to cover her any further let alone for the 3-6 months she will still be in lockup.

They first wanted to know if he could help them move her stuff.
Dh clarified to them that if he did, it could violated the RO as "third party contact" or frankly BM would just accuse him of stealing her stuff and he was not going to place himself in that position.

Ok, so they will get other family members of BM's to help pack her house into a storage shed until she gets out. But do the kids want any of their stuff out of BMs house, because if they took their stuff, her parents could rent a smaller storage shed.
Because that stuff, while it is the kids to use, belongs to BM and once more, not going to run the risk of being accused of stealing it.

Apparently BM is now pissed off at her parents. If they hadn't gotten her that phone card (which was to call them and her attorney) then she would not have called DH and gotten herself in more trouble. If she hadn't gotten in more trouble she wouldnt be in jail or unemployed so thats all her parents fault too: and they owe her to pay her rent and bills until she gets out to make up for getting her in trouble.

Just writing that gave me a headache. I would hate life if my thoughts were that twisted daily.


imjustthemaid's picture

These BM's are so crazy. They can never accept responsibility for their actions!!

DH owns a trucking company. Everytime BM gets evicted she calls him crying asking if he will help her move. He keeps telling her its NOT a moving company!! The last time she had her mother call DH crying and he still said no way.

Then she moved in with her parents. When they tried to kick her out she threatened to sue them and file a restraining order on them.

They finally got rid of her. Now I see on fb that she is moving again!!

realitycheckmom's picture

ROTFLMAO I sympathize with her parents wanting the kids to take their things but WTF on asking DH to help move her stuff. BM doesn't realize how twisted her thinking is. When do her parents hold her accountable for this crazy crap?

Purplemom's picture

I'm not surprised! Look at how twisted THEIR thinking is! My paretns would never call my Xh to help them with anything having to do with me!

HadEnoughx5's picture

I know what you mean. Living a life like that just sucks the energy out of you, I'm so glad my life isn't like our BM's, it just make you dizzy :O

WickednNasty's picture

"Apparently BM is now pissed off at her parents. If they hadn't gotten her that phone card (which was to call them and her attorney) then she would not have called DH and gotten herself in more trouble. If she hadn't gotten in more trouble she wouldnt be in jail or unemployed so thats all her parents fault too: and they owe her to pay her rent and bills until she gets out to make up for getting her in trouble."

Never ACCEPT responsibility for your own actions, so typical of our BM and the parents buy into it tooo... Unflippin REAL!