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SD18 is home

just.his.wife's picture

Hearing was yesterday before the magistrate.

He heard from DH and I that she was putting forth a good effort and we feel comfortable having her back in the house with the rest of her siblings. He had a long talk with her, in the court room about where she was a year ago verses now and was life better for her then or now. Maturity, responsibility, courtesy and respect were all brought up, then he signed the order allowing her to live back within the house with her dad and siblings: required as we had an order prohibiting her from being there for more than 2 hours from her actions during what she refers to now as "my age of stupidity".

And this I still have to laugh over: We moved all her stuff in last night and the very first thing she did was a load of laundry!! DH and I started snickering and it took her a minute to realize why then she started cracking up too.

All the rest of the skids seem fine with it, skid3 was helping her unpack and put everything away. She is on track to graduate in May Smile That I am proud of her for, she has put in a phenominal amount of effort since January to ensure she can. She has managed to complete ALL of her community service hours, her hearing is next Tuesday to formally complete the process and have all of it removed from her record.

In other news: BM has 6 days to report to jail. She has not attempted to call, text, email, drive by etc since our phone conversation. DH did hear from her attorney, asking if DH would be agreeable to allowing her to see the kids one time this weekend prior to turning herself in, suggesting an agency here in town that does supervised visits with BM offering to pay for it.

DH did call the attorney's office back and advised he was not against the idea, but the judge would need to OK it since the restraining order is still in effect. I guess the attorney is going to make a request of the judge for a one time visit, don't know if there is enough time to get it done though, attny only has today and tomorrow to get the judge to sign that its ok before the weekend is here and its too late. Though I am sure the same agency could manage a visit next week also BM has to report to jail 05/01/2013 and I can't see DH refusing to let the kids see her before she goes in if the court ok's it.

It is interesting to note: This is the first time in a year BM has taken logical, legal steps in order to be able to see her kids. DH is wondering if BM is starting to learn that in life you have to obey laws and court orders and if you go about things legally you fare far better. I am not holding my breath that she learned a lesson or learned anything. I do hope for her sake she can pull it together for the sake of her kids. This jail sentence will be over relatively soon, she still has another trial to face for knowingly making a false report to a state agency and that comes with penalties of years in prison, not a local jail.


just.his.wife's picture

Confession: They are craigs list deals, that don't match and I paid a whopping $100 for both Blum 3