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SD8 is moving in with BM/SS graduating from the OJA program

justkeepstepping's picture

Hey y'all! It's been months since I blogged. Work has been so busy. 

Update: BM is put of rehab. She's been clean and sober for over a year now. I didn't think it was possible, but she really changed her life. She moved back to our town,she was 3 hours away before. She's living with her sister. Which is good.

SD has been a royal pain in the arse. She loves to stir up trouble, always has. She's made sure that there is always drama at the house. She refuses to let DS12, SS10, and DH get along. She starts trouble and then stands back and watches it explode. She hides anything DD3 likes to play with and lies when you ask her about it. She's so mean to DD. Just about everytime DD is alone with SD DD ends up crying or screaming loud for us. Even the kids her age down the block have told us she's mean to them. They used to be over everyday. The last month we've rarely seem them.

DH and I talked and SD is moving out. We can't live like this anymore. It's either SD leave or DH move out with the skids. (not divorce just seperate housing) 

We've talked to BM and she was overjoyed. DH gave her a list of rules to abide by or SD has to come back. (Can't move out of town, must have her own room, not living on welfare, ect) I have been counting down the days for the last couple of months. She's moving out in 2 weeks. I told BM we'd let her take her dresser and half of her belongings. BM has to provide her a bed. We're going to buy her a cell phone and add her to our plan so DH can call her anytime.

I'm so glad she's finally going. Having a stepchild try to run and/or ruin your life is bad enough. Add to that, the fact that SD is not DH's bio...that's a whole new level. I really, really, hope it works out. 


SS10 has done so well that they are graduating him from counseling next week. He's being released from the Juvinile Affairs program in June! I'm so proud of him. He has full control pf his emotions now. No more strange toddler tantrums at school. The counseling helped a ton. He's learned to cope with what he went through before they were taken from BM and GBM.

We got SS a puppy as a reward. She's adorable. I had never seen him that excited before! 


StepUltimate's picture

Really nice to read your update. Very encouraging!

justkeepstepping's picture

DH and BM were never married. They only dated for a couple years in high school. The broke up before SS was even born. She showed up on DH's doorstep one day. Her boyfriend had kicked her out and she was pregnant. DH let her stay there and they ended up in a short relationship. DH signed the birth certificate. 2 weeks later BM gave the kids to her mom and moved out of DH's apartment.