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Best Morning Ever!

justmakingthebest's picture

DH opened his pay this morning and not only was alimony not taken out but the last month's payment was put back in his check! It was for 3K more than his normal pay! BM is going to be livid but I can't express how happy I am! 

He lawyer sent a response letter to ours last week stating that DH still owes BM 5K more in payments but we found that he has actually over paid by at least $3500. So she can suck an egg and take us back to court-- no way is this going to fly. We are also using the CS calculations by our lawyer and not hers since she won't show her income and we know she got a huge social security settlement and receives income - and SS is used in those calculations. 

In other news, OSS18 (autisitc) is doing great! He and my son get along well with a mutal love of video games. We started SS's new counselor in our state, so med changes are to come but hopefully nothing will be to hard on any of us. We are starting to fill out applications for work with him - not sure if he is going to be able to get empolyment on his own, but we thought we would give it a try and then reach out to different groups that help with placement. He only  graduated less than 2 weeks ago and we have moved him 1300 miles during that time. I want to make sure he is adjusting and not just being thrown about and having demands on him like crazy. He also tells me that I am the best cook every night- so he might be my favorite right now! LOL 


queensway's picture

Oh it's the little things in life that make us so happy. LOL That is just fantastic. And a wonderful way to start the weekend. Good for you.

Siemprematahari's picture

I'm happy for you! You should treat yourself with the extra money. Cheers to your financial freedom Yahoo