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BM's attorney calling me...

pseudo_stepmom's picture

So i got a weird phone call today, from a woman asking 20 questions about who I was, if I owned a business, what my business does/sells, etc.

She wouldn't identify herself more than a first name, claiming my number was on a piece of paper that she has. I informed her that my cell phone was a personal line and has no affiliation with my business. I have a hunch that it is my DH's ex-wife's lawyer calling to get information about my business and what I'm making monetarily. My husband doesn't have a bank account and just filed some papers against BM about lowering cs.

Has anyone else had their income/bank accounts/personal business's income factored into their DH's CS payment calculations? I know they're supposed to strictly go off of my husband's income, but could they look at mine do you think, since I have a business?

(I'm new so this is kind of repetitive, sorry..I'm trying not to beat around the bush & be as concise as I can)

skylarksms's picture

As far as I know (and in our state), they cannot go by the SM's income - even if she has a business. Unless it can be proven that your H is profiting from your business.

somerg's picture

i would've told her it's none of her buisness unless she fully identifies herself and reason for call....did you give her the info? some states include household income, but not many.

GoodbyeNormaJean's picture

Don't give this kind of info out over the phone ever. If for some reason you feel you need to handle something over the phone, ask for a name, a business name, and a phone number where you can call them back.

If this is related to a legal case, BMs lawyer should be submitting documentation to you to request this info. You keep a copy, they get a copy. Better yet, they should be asking YOUR lawyer in writing for it, as well as providing a written explanation of what this is pertaining to.

I don't give out my dog's nickname over the phone, much less any info about my business or my income. Anyone that has the sack to call here asking for something like that gets a quick and dirty lesson on phone manners.

purpledaisies's picture

Yeah do not give any info over the phone especially when they wont say who they are. You didn't give her any info did you.

JustAnotherSM's picture

If you are married filing jointly, then you may be asked to provide your income tax statements to provide evidence of household income. Typically, anything that has both of your names (bank accounts, etc.) is fair game.

My DH was a SAHD when BM took us to court for CS increase a couple of years ago. We had to provide our tax return for the previous year. What shoud have happened is the judge should have calculated DH's potential income based on previous jobs he'd held. But what they actually did was look at my income and use some "new math" to double the amount of CS that BM received.

Rags's picture

Next time ask who she is, who she works for and then inform her that you do not discuss your personal or professional life with anyone you do not know.

As for you income being considered for calculation and payment of CS, no, it should not be considered. However, I am a StepDad married to the CP and my income was considered in establishing BioDad's CS obligation.

My income was used to set an income credit for BioDad which ultimately lowered his CS obligation due to, as the idiot in the black robe said. "StepDad makes a good income that artificially elevates the child's life style. BioDad should not be punished by having to support the artificial life style for his son."

The credit was a $1000/mo income reduction for CS calculation purposes that lowered BioDad's CS obligation by $50/mo. Not a big financial impact on us. We have never needed the CS money. However, the fact that the SpermIdiot benefits in any way from my income just chaps my ass.

Good luck.

pseudo_stepmom's picture

No i didn't give out any information... I said i was busy and to look up anything she needed online. I'm about 99% sure it is related to BM's crazy tactics to get ANY dirt on me and my husband she possibly can. Especially after last years taxes show we made $30,000 total income...and the CS will be lowered accordingly.

My husband tried to call this number back & of course she didn't answer. When we go to mediation, i'm going to call the number and when anyone affiliated with her or her lawyer's phone starts to ring, she's going to get an earful from me.

It was just very suspicious that my phone is ringing in association with "some paper" related to my business name, because there is a separate cell phone line for the business. Very odd.

Jsmom's picture

You won't be in the mediation. Steps are not in the room. However, my income was looked at with regards to CS. Only in that it is on our tax return. Didn't count in the final calculation. But, she was able to see it. That ticked me off. But, at least she got hers last week and we didn't end up owing her a dime.