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OT- Summoned for Divorce Court

justmakingthebest's picture

This is kind of a hot-mess express story but here goes: DH and I find a house and move in together. At the end of our Cul de Sac I realize that an old friend of mine from HS lives there with his wife and kids. Our son's instantly hit it off and I think great! Friends to do cookouts with and stuff, right? Well, he barely speaks to me the 2.5 years we live there. I have a "mom" relationship with his wife- mostly just coordinating who has the boys. Whatever. No big deal. 

Well, DH and buy our house and as we are loading up a moving truck, he comes tearing around the corner in his truck, blocks me in the driveway and tells me that he has left his wife. "Ok... what happened??" Turns out he had an affair before while traveling for work but his wife forgave him. But then the woman her husband get stationed here. He finds her a job where he works and started it up again. His wife kicks him out. 

Me, being overly sensitive to the plight of fathers give him the name of a fantastic attorney and tell him to make sure to stay involved with his kids (17 and 13 at the time). I tell him he can call to talk if he ever needs to, we were once great friends. 

He takes me up on that and spills the beans on everything- his affair, that she is a dominatrix, I got some details of that (OMG, I am such a prude!!!), that her husband is allowing a thruples situation, that they are all moving in together with their kids (the couple's kids, not my exfriend's). Well.... a couple of weeks go by and his ex reaches out to me to see if the boys can get together because her son is just broken. His dad isn't speaking to him except to say what an ice queen she is, etc. WELL....I had a couple of cocktails that evening and I accidentally let it slip that it is his loss to throw away his family and 17 years of marriage to be treated like some dog on a leash by his dominatrix. -- She didn't know that part. 

Long story short, she and I actually become really good friends. He hasn't said a word to me after he spilled his guts. Now, their divorce hearing is next week (2 years later) and I am being called as a witness for her. Yes, she asked, I said that I really don't want to get involved but I know how badly she is being screwed over by him. He hasn't seen his kids, wouldn't help oldest get through college applications, student loans, dorm stuff- anything. Won't even bother to talk to his son. It all just disgusts me and I have seen how much he is screwing these kids up. So I begrudgingly agreed- now kicking myself for it! 

What makes this even more awesome is the husband of the woman he is now a thruple with- WORKS WITH DH! Small freaking world and even smaller Navy but yeah. So that is my fun next week! 



caninelover's picture

That is quite a story.  I hope the kids manage to recover along with your friend.


justmakingthebest's picture

I think the son is going to be ok, the daughter though- she is not. She gained like 80 lbs, seriously risky sex behavior, drugs. I feel so bad for her mom and the daughter is in this "My own father doesn't care about me" pit of despair. It is really heartbreaking! 

justmakingthebest's picture


CLove's picture

Thats a small town/group youve got there.

Its like that here in my neck o the woods too. I dont know about dominatrix stuff but...well...small towns need excitement too.

justmakingthebest's picture

We are actually in the biggest area in VA next to Northern/DC area! And you figure their affiar happened in Seattle! That has to be one in a million chances of happening, right??