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Update #3

justmakingthebest's picture

DH has filed a report with the local police department. 

BM kept SS out of school again today. I asked if they had a truancy officer... the school secretary laughed and said no. I shouldn't be surprised, it is after all a k-12 school with just over 200 kids in total. 

Just waiting now for an update from our attorney to see what BM's attorney has to say and if he is still going to even keep her as a client after all of this mess. 

We are 99.99% sure that SS will not be on the plane this weekend. DH said that he isn't even going to waste his time pretending to shop for him. My mom (currently undergoing chemo), bless her heart, bought a very expensive basketball hoop to be installed in our driveway for him. At least we can return that for her. 

I will update once we hear from our lawyer! 

** New News- The Sheriff contacted DH. Requested all the documentation. DH sent it over. Sheriff asked what DH would like to see happen and he told him simply that he want his child to know that no one is above the law. She has committed a crime and should be held accountable. The Sheriff said, yes sir. We will get back to you. **  - Y'all, I have never been so happy when it comes to anything we have had on BM. I really think this could turn into something! 


ESMOD's picture

I would have told mom to please save her money lol.. certainly she must have some inkling about what is going on with the boy and his refusal to see his dad?  It is nice that she wants to do something for him, but he is hardly acting like a kid who needs to have any special treatment.

If he is on the plane then your DH can take him shopping when he gets there.. give him a budget and let the kid pick out what he wants.. it's unlikely that dad will be able to guess what the kid wants or needs based on zero contact.  

No one should do anything more than be available for the pickup date.. and if it passes without his arrival.. those funds go into a fun excursion for the two of you!

justmakingthebest's picture

I told her to throw $25 in a card and call it a day. 

I think she is worried this is her last Christmas and wants the kids to all remember her in a big way... It kills me because SS doesn't even know she has cancer. 

Merry's picture

I'm sorry for all this nonsense you have to endure and I hate your BM almost as much as you do. But I admit to enjoying the story.

notsofast's picture

I think the truancy should also be something your attorney is made aware of.  Shows lack of parental control.  After a certain number of days missed he will not get credit for the semester unless he's doing work at home.  And forged health department documents as an "excuse" for missing school should also be brought to the attention of the school so that these absences are considered unexcused.

justmakingthebest's picture

I did let the lawyer know about the missed days but next time we talk I will bring up the idea of trying to get them unexcused. I like the idea- like A LOT- but truancy is a big deal here. Parents are dealing with police coming to their homes right now due to too many unexcused absences in virtual classes. There are threats of jail time to parents over it.

I am not sure how it would be like that there and if the judge would see it as us trying to hurt SS....

notsofast's picture

Your lawyer can frame it as concern for SS's education, not attendance but that he's missing importance instruction, assessments and activities at school. 

And if he's that sick that he's missing school, isn't this supposed to be one of the things that BM is supposed to be sharing with your DH?

notarelative's picture

But, is he actually truant? Or, is he ill and at the doctor with mom? After all, a sick child cannot fly. Although I am not a psychic, I see a doctor note coming that says he is too ill to fly.

notsofast's picture

Her DH is allowed access to his medical records and can/should discuss this with the doctor.  If BM presented the fake health department letter to the doctor, he/she may be fooled too.

justmakingthebest's picture

Our lawyer has told hers that only a positive Covid test will be accepted as reason to not fly. You 100% know that we will follow up with any documentation given.

I am sure that she will try to come up with something, what sucks is that we don't know who is new PCP is. I can't figure that out from the couple of EOB's that we have from our insurance since it was only showing 2 ER visits, X-rays and Physical Therapy. Otherwise I would let them know preemptively what is going on.

She just started using our insurance again, previously she was on whatever SS Disability gives you and SS was included as a minor child.

notsofast's picture

Is it court ordered that she must share all medical info including when he sees a new doctor?  I would suggest having a carefully worded order to that effect.

ER visit records might list his GP, if your DH requests those records.

justmakingthebest's picture

Yes, it specifically states she has to give him all medical and school information. She is allowed to be the primary decision maker, but he lives with her soooo... yeah makes sense. 

Based on the last 2 months of EOB's that I can get online, SS is suddenly using DH's health insurance again after nothing for 2 years. She got married and we think she isn't working under the table.

ESMOD's picture

I'm gonna throw a wrench in the lawyer's condition.. and that is that the AIRLINE may actually override that.  I mean.. they are kicking people off if they won't wear a mask.. what if SS pulls a stunt like that?  What if BM loudly talks about his exposure to covid in front of gate agents etc... there may be ways for her to "try to comply"... but it was "out of her control" that the airlines wouldn't take him.  Her lawyer can't compel them to take the kid.. and they may be just jumpy enough to err on the side of not letting him on the plane.

justmakingthebest's picture

That is why we are 99.99% sure that he isn't coming out. She will say ANYTHING to make it so he doesn't get on the plane and then not tell us. It is her MO.

Buuuttt... hopefully the fact that she commited the forgery on health department records will override that when we are back in court. 

Ispofacto's picture

"previously she was on whatever SS Disability gives you and SS was included as a minor child"

Pretty sure it is Medicaid.  They don't want to pay claims for anyone who is also covered by private insurance.  You may be able to report this.


PokaDotty's picture

Not going to lie... I popped popcorn before opening this latest update. I hope she gets hit by the karma bus!

tog redux's picture

The funny part of all this is that most people would doctor the form to get OUT of quarantine, not to stay in it.  LOL.  I hope she gets arrested. Maybe it will convince her to put him on the plane.

Harry's picture

That SS will not be happy coming over to your home.  You must have rules?  Like bed time, screen time,  being a human.   
That SS may be lots of trouble.  BM has brain washed him.   Maybe the $25 gift card would not be a bad idea.   
Are you paying CS ?   
It's hard to fight this if BM lives close by.  But states away,  time and money it's going to cost you, in the end it may not be worth it,

You DH was the one who had a child with BM,  part of the blame is on him.  You play with crazy's this what you get.

justmakingthebest's picture

For the last 2 years we have been dealing with stuff like this. It is always crazy until he arrives in the airport.

It is all big hugs, "I missed you guys!", let's play a board game tonight- He usually isn't bad at all. The getting drunk at his friends house over the summer was the only real issue we have had with him while with us other than some minor spats with him and my bios. While the getting drunk was stupid, especially because he did it at a police cookout... it isn't out of the realm of a stupid teenager move. 

I am sure that all this crap will just be pretended away again if he does magically show up. Things on our end are going to be different though. That's for sure.