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Mom, Stepmom or First Name

justme2's picture

What should a SS call you? My SS say they should call me by my first name. However their mom is dating a guy and his kids call her stepmom (even though she is far from any kind of mom).
So what should Skids call their "new" parent.
Just wondering?


Rags's picture


For my SS, I am Dad. I was the first person he called Dad. I have been Dad since he was 15mos old. He chose to call me Dad, I did not insist on it. Though when he was ~8yo he came home from a SpermClan visitation with the "GrandMa says I can't call you Dad because your are not my REAL Dad. She says to call you (First Name here)" crap. At that point I told him that for nearly 10yrs Dad had been good enough. If I was no longer Dad then he could call me MR (Last Name Here). I went on to explain that a Dad is someone who loves he and his Mom very much, works hard every day to provide a nice home, good schools, safe transportation, teaches him to read, use the toilet, coaches his sports teams, etc.

His response? Sounds like a real Dad to me. Can I go out to play Dad?

And that was it.

You choose what you want them to call you. Mom, StepMom, First Name, nick name, etc ....... Of course if they are older than toddlers then they may not like calling you Mom so be flexible and work with them.

However, ultimately it is your call and I would demand a respectful name or title if I was you.

Just my thoughts of course.

Best regards,

Success is rarely final. Failure is rarely fatal. It is character, courage and consistency of effort that count. Vince Lombardi (with some minor Rags modifications) To each according to their performance, screw Karl Marx. (Rags)

bioandstep2009's picture

My SS calls me by my first name. We've tried coming up with names for both me and FH (I have a BD who calls FH by his name as well). But we have not come up with anything yet. The other parents in our situation would not want their respective children calling me or DH, Mom or Dad.

belleboudeuse's picture

I'd rather let my SDs call me what they're comfortable with, which is my first name. They were already in their teens when the met me, so it mad sense. My younger SD calls me Mom sometimes, and I don't comment on it one way or another -- I figure that sometimes she needs to, because she has a really problematic relationship with her mom, and I think sometimes she feels ignored or rejected by her. Hence, calling me Mom so she can feel she has an accepting maternal figure in her life.


- You are not second best, you are not second class. Do not ever let anyone make you feel that way. (2Bloved)

BorBor's picture

My ss calls me by my first name, but when I met him I didnt know what I was getting into. I didnt realize how much time and energy I would give.
Now I wish I had a special name because, shoot I do alot for this kid.
I think it is nice to have a special name, but Who Knew??

Rags's picture

Maybe I shouldn't throw myself under the bus with this one but ........ in for a penny, in for a pound.

When he was a baby my Nephew could not say Uncle (Firs Name). The closest he could get when he first tried to say my name was UmmaDitz.

So, at the most embarrassing moments one of my Bro's kids will call me UmmaDitz.

So, pet names aside, take some control of this so you don't end up going through part of your life as UmmaDitz. I think the little turds do in on purpose these days. :?

Best regards,

Success is rarely final. Failure is rarely fatal. It is character, courage and consistency of effort that count. Vince Lombardi (with some minor Rags modifications) To each according to their performance, screw Karl Marx. (Rags)

WowjustWow's picture

That made me laugh so hard! Love it! My uncle's kids call my dad Uncle NoNo. Apparently when he was visiting them one time when they were little, he was tickling them and they were giggling and yelling "Uncle No! (giggle giggle) Uncle No more! (giggle)Uncle NoNo!" And it has stuck for the last 11 years. My dad was good for tickling us until we about peed our pants.

WowjustWow's picture

My SD's call me by my name. Sometimes they slip up and call me mom, but I never make a big deal out of it. The hardest one to come up with was my parents. They call them Miss (first name) and Mr (first name) like they would a friends mom and dad. That's what they are comfortable with, so that's what we do.

But they couldn't call me mom if they wanted to. In my DH's divorce agreement, there is a stipulation that the children were NOT allowed to call the other's new spouse "mom" or "dad"

smnikki's picture

my ss calls me by my first name. I at 27 have always referred to my stepdad by his name. my dad has always been in the picture though. Now then if the bio parent is not in the picture at all...i think if youre the care giver they should call you mom...if THEY chose to.

in reference to how the skid refer to you to other people. at the age when they are able to understand that you are their smom then they should say..this is my step mom soandso.

secondwife20's picture

I remember one time she asked me, "Do I have to call you mom?"

I told her that if she was not comfortable with that, then she didn't have to.

And then she said, "Well, sometimes I might slip and call you mom. Is that okay?"


Sometimes she will call me mom but only when it's just the two of us. Otherwise I'm just secondwife19.

"Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened." Dr. Seuss

stepmom2one's picture

My SD calls me by my first name. She calls her stepdad "dad". But I think that is strange. She asked if she could call me mom I told her if she did it was always mom. Not mom when she wanted something and Gettingby when she was angry.

Then I said you know what, you better get approval first from your BM. BM told her it was ok to call me mom, but I said maybe you should just call me Gettingby. When SD calls me mom it feels weird.

I just know that if I were in this position I wouldn't want my kids SM calling her mom.

If you don't mind leave it up to your SS.

KeepsGettingBetter's picture

Skids call me by my first name as well, but when SS8 was 3 (when I first met him) he couldn't pronouce my name properly so he would call me yella. That occasionaly pops up every now and then as a joke but mostly my first name.
I have also heard SS14 call me SM to his firends (even though BF and I arn't married, so that made me feel good) but God knows what they call me behind my back ;).

stepmom2one's picture

My SD10 used to do that too. She would say to everyone she didn't know "this is my soon to be stepmom. she is to young to be my real mom" everyne always laughed.

Then to her friends she would introduce me as SM.

Crizzle1's picture

by my first name. To me, it was irritating and I wished I had something else for them to call me. I never asked or expected them to call me "mom" because I would be pissed if I ever heard my bkids call someone else that. They asked if they could call me "mom" on their own, though, after their own mother abandoned them for her BF who molested them. How could I say no? I still wish they had something else to call me because to me "mom" is special because that's what my own babies call me. I do love skids, but it's def not the same love I have for my own.

Packermomx2's picture

I think it depends on the relationship. I don't want another woman's child calling me mom, ever, and I've never had a problem ... meaning, they don't call me anything but my first name - which is what I prefer.

My kids have a SF and their father has made it clear that our kids are NOT to refer to their stepfather as "dad" (our son slipped up and called my husband dad while talking to his father, but corrected himself and my ex was not happy to hear it even if it was an accident)... my kids have a SM, but I'm mom and she is first name.

I teach my kids what to call adults, all adults. Normally they are to refer to adults by Mr./Mrs./Ms. Lastname. I make exceptions for SP's... Mom is my title, dad is dad's... IMO and only for this family.

Amazed's picture

my son used to call his stepmom use 'miss' before saying his stepmoms name. (we'll call her sweetie) he'd be like "Hey Miss.Sweetie can we go shopping?"
I thought it was weird but respectful of him...but I let snowshyte call me by my first name. When she talks about me she says, "that's my stepmom" how she refers to me was never an issue.

"We all have different desires and needs, but if we don't discover what we want from ourselves and what we stand for, we will live passively and unfulfilled.”

MamaBecky's picture

My SD13 calls me by my first name and introduces me as her step mom. She does call my parents grandma & grandpa and my bro's and sisters aunt and uncle...and my nephews her cousins. Out of loyalty to her BM though she calls me by my first name. I am ok with that. My SD5 calls me mom and has since she was 3.