Responsibility List____ The doomed chores!
}:) I sometimes think I am too harsh on the Skids....because I had a harsh upbringing.I knew right from wrong, did multiple chores with no allowance (to earn my keep my dad said LOL)--I turned out my shit together and so on.
My boyfriend lets a lot of things slide. He starts this "star chart" but can't remember to do simple the star chart so I said "nope not happening..these kids aren't babies anyway" they demand a star if they put a roll of TP up or clean up after themselves.. REALLY?!
If I go into my room and let him deal with the kids he does deal with just sounds like we have 3 horses in the house and usually something gets broken or messed up. Yeah..whatever I guess right? kids will be kids? but growing up we went outside to tear crap up.
the youngest SD7 wants a dog, horse or cat for our house. We got them fish-and I feed them. Last night I said "You want a pet? You can't even clean your room, brush your hair or clean your plate up from the table. Why would we think you do that for a pet?" She said she promised she would. None of them do it. 10, almost 9 and 7 year olds that do nothing or complain if they are asked to... Get a PETS for a long while..or EVER. (and I happen to like animals)
their mother gets them pets but then kills them, lets them run away or gives them away. The youngest SD has a dog and she had a kitten that got "shot' somehow. their turtle got "loose" in the ditch last month also. Yay right?
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Yeah, My youngest SD and I
Yeah, My youngest SD and I were talking about kitties one day and she started to tear up and said "Mommy shot my kitty cat" so I do not have the full details but she was upset about it. Not sure how long ago it happened (before I moved up here) and if it was a BB gun or worse but still horrible. But, the other 2 kiddos confirmed it did happen.
I am trying to explain to both girls not to call or lure with food random dogs or cats either. They could scratch/bite them. We live in a country/town area and dogs and cats are always roaming around. So, I guess if it happens and they have to have rabies vaccinations they will learn right?
Oh the squealing.....they do this high pitched squealing ALL the TIME!!!! once right in my ear and it took ALL my might NOT to throw them across the room. They do it in the car too until their daddy stopped and told them never again. (Which did not last long) They get scared or excited or just girly stuff and the squeals start. I do not recall ever squealing. LOL They also knock on the walls....UGH! I pray we get a house soon with a bigger yard for them to play!