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Start of Trip

justperfectlyflawed's picture

This morning I woke up early and headed to the store to pick up last minute items for our trip.
I did not pack the Skids clothes because I have been super drained and wanted their input for what they wanted to wear.

THANK GOD I did not put much effort into packing their clothes since their Dumb Bitch Mother and Grandma packed for them...isn't that sweet?! They purposely left the tags on all of the clothes too... Who lets their kids wear unwashed clothes? I guess DB and her mom don't care if they were tried on by others or have chemicals on them from the factory....whatever right? Maybe I was just brought up to wash clothes before wearing them. at least wash the panties!

But, none of their toiletry items were given to them....oh but a huge bag per kid of crap was given to them like an entire shoe box of candy (per kid) and coloring books and electronic devices they can break or lose. We are trying to take less but the entire Van is packed...I hope they like not having leg room. Smile

I did make sure they had toothbrushes and childrens medicine, first aid kit, shampoo..etc. I am a list maker and I made sure I would need everything possible to go on a road trip. We will be driving through 7 states and with stops the drive should be about 20 hours..just under 1000 miles.

SO and his sister are packed but I am not yet. SO is trying to sleep since he will do the majority of the driving but the kids are screaming like chimpanzees in the living room.

I am not a big drinker but I will be stopping at the liquor store if necessary for this trip. I have been dubbed "cocktail in the car maker" before by my friends. (Go through drive through for a soda or ice and then mix in alcohol) LMAO. I won't be driving drunk though..don't worry.

I just cleaned up dog shit off my SS new shoes. I told him to not walk in the side yard and his aunt did too. The girls listened...but we got in the Van to grab a quick dinner and I smelled it. Hot Van+Dog Shit= Mad Stepmom.

I made him take off his shoes and put them outside and we went through a drive-thru. I them scrubbed the carpet in the van and scrubbed the bottom of his shoes....What a divine experience! the little hairs in my nostrils still have dog shit smell in them. Smile

I was going to make my SS clean the car but he was taking out the kitchen trash for me and not crying about it so I decided that it wasn't worth arguing with him about.

I will not be bringing my laptop with me but will blog via phone or update later.
