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Why does everything have to be "made up" the exact hour! SMH

justthegirlfriend13's picture

I guess I don't understand this and wondering if others are the same way. Whenever my BF gives up his visitation time, whether its because its something we asked for or if the ex asked if she and the kids had plans for instance, the time always had to be made up, and to the exact hour that was lost! Seems a bit over the top to me and I'm not sure if I'm overreacting or if this is the norm.

It has happened before, but last weekend was my birthday and my BF and I went away for the weekend. He took the kids back home mid day Saturday whereas usually they are there until Sunday evening. He told the ex that in doing this favor for us, he would watch the kids for her one night if she wanted to go out on a date for instance. Well that turned into the exact following weekend (this current one), not only being a night out, but him wanting to keep them Friday day through Saturday night. It's like he needed to make up every hour that he lost instead of the kids just being dropped off for the night and BM picking them up on her way home or the following morning. They both even made sure that SD came over this morning after her sleepover instead of going home just so he could make sure to get in those few hours with her too.

It's not like they are spending any time together since BF was working all day and the kids were either playing with their friends or in their room, but its just this arrangement between BF and BM that they both think it isn't fair unless they get every single hour they are entitled to...on both sides! Do other people encounter this same thing? I just feel that there are going to be times where one parent and/or the kids will get the short end of the stick here on occasion and that's okay because it all works out in the end anyway!

I thought I was OCD at times, but damn...these 2 are nothing like I've ever seen before! :? :O


dragonsfyre's picture

Our pick up time is usually 5 pm. If we are 5 minutes late dropping him back off, BM won't let us pick up SS until 5:05 next time. It's become a joke between DH and I.

Newstep's picture

That was how BM used to be. It became such a pain in the ass he stopped deviating from the normal schedule either way. If she asked he said no and we never asked. If he asked for her time or gave her time it was an endless barrage of texts on how the time was going to be made up. Such a pain in the ass!!!

When my ex and I changed any time we just changed the time no other mention was made. But we didn't do it all the time. We sure as hell didn't talk constantly about making up two hours here or four hours there. So exhausting!!!!