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BM wants to come to my smalltown...

katielee's picture

Recently we got a message from BM saying she was planning a trip for SD14 to see DH for 5 days. Assuming BM was going to fly SD14 here, we told her that would be fine. Then she told us she herself wants to come here and stay in a hotel where DH could pick SD14 up and spend time with her.


We live in a very small town. There is nothing entertaining here at all and all the hotels are mom and pop and not very nice.

I feel like she'd be contaminating my town... stinking up the memories of my place.

She's probably looking for any excuse she can find to see DH, even if from a distance. BUT...

Do you think she might be planning on leaving SD14 here?!?!?!? That is a concern since she tried to force DH to take custody back. Would we have any legal recourse if she did? Because my mama is NOT going to let SD live here.

My sister wants her to come. Why do y'all think that is? (Remember, we are a mountain redneck family and my sis has a big beef with her from a couple years ago.)


katielee's picture

We live in a cabin in my mother's yard at present while we get on our feet financially. My mother is NOT happy with SD14 because of the trouble she caused in my home (that caused my health to ultimately fail) while I lived in Florida, and she has said unequivocally that SD CANNOT live here. I'll be lucky to get her to let SD stay for the summer for DH's visitation.

And yes, at 14 she could fly...and that is the question of the day...why does Bar Whore feel the need to bring her here herself and stay in my little town where there's very little touristy stuff for vacationer's???

I guess some of you all are pretty removed from Appalachian culture, so I'll spell out the whole redneck thing... my sister and the rest of my family have heard from a very long distance how Bar Whore and her family and friends treated me while I was in their small town in Florida. Rednecks generally don't take kindly to their family being mistreated. So now Bar Whore is bringing herself up here to our turf. My sister thinks it would be a very convenient time to settle the score.

And finally...I agree. DH should tell Bar Whore to keep her nasty ass away from me and mine, but I suspect he's afraid he'll lose the chance to see SD if he doesn't jump through BM's hoops.

But easily taken care of? Yeah, right. Just like all the other bullshit some of us stepmothers have to deal with.

katielee's picture

Yes, THIS is what I've been focusing on. He assures me so far BM would never do this. We are still discussing it.

Like you said, we can't stop her from coming here but I am not happy about it.

Disneyfan's picture

If BM's viist is on the up and up~ she checks into a hotel, kid visits dad, they fly back home~,then your sister has no business what some ever getting involved. She can't go around ready to kick ass over a situation you made the choice to remain in. If they are that upset about the way she treated you, why didn't round up a posse and head down to Florida to kick as while it was happening? Why haven't they beat the crap out of your husband yet for allowing all of the crap to go on?

Personally I think mom is about to pull a drop and run. She's going to hit the road as soon as SD is with dad. If she goes MIA after the drop, dad will have to find an apartment if your mom doesn't want SD on her land.

That damn kid is about to be caught in the middle of an adult game of hot potato

katielee's picture

Whether BM's visit is on the up and up or not, I can't imagine that my sister or anybody else up here in these hills would care too much what you say they can or cannot

But I agree if BM runs, DH will either have to drive her back down to Florida or get an apartment because SD is NOT living here with me.

I hope BM is not going to put SD in such a situation. Wouldn't put it past her. But if she does it's on her because we've made it clear we can't/won't take her right now. This is the bed BM made and she's gonna have to lay in it.

katielee's picture

I'd like to suggest a vacation place for you, tommar... it's a small town in Appalachia. PM me and I will give you the location. We'd LOVE to introduce you to some of our mountain... um... hospitality.

moeilijk's picture

Really? You call someone a name, they tell you they don't like it, so you threaten them with a weapon?

What is the internet coming to?

katielee's picture

Locked and loaded baby...along with my very large, very redneck clan:)

This is so ridiculous. Does your whole life revolve around making nasty statements to people on Steptalk when they don't agree with you? I'm seriously done with you. Please don't comment on my stuff anymore. Just pretend I'm not here and I'll do you the same courtesy. As a matter of fact, I'll do you that courtesy anyway.

katielee's picture

You know NOTHING about my situation or about what my mother wants (which is the exact opposite of what you apparently think), so honestly, just back the fuck off and don't comment on any of my shit again.