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Had a Really Good Talk with DH

katielee's picture

Last night things just seemed to fall into place. DH finally seems to be Getting It!

We were sitting outside relaxing after work. I was passing along some gossip his friend told me while she was teaching me to make biscuits Sunday afternoon. He asked, "So she was being kitty?"

I'm like, "Um... huh? Do you mean 'catty'?"

He nodded and I laughed for a good little while. "Baby, you just don't understand, do you?"

"You can't understand women," he told me, "Not at all. Might as well not even try. But I do try."

"I know you do, Hunny..."

And I think he does really good for a man.

Anyway, that led into a really open conversation where I tried to explain to him what I think... that if I feel like I am in my place as his wife, I will have a much easier time caring for his daughter the way I need to be able to do.

I had emailed him a couple of quotes of comments from my previous blogs (thanks, Ladies, you're wonderful) and he read those while I was sitting there. I really think he "got it." He said sd11 was "just going to have to get used to it" ... meaning he intended to make me a priority and put me in my place as his wife.

I asked him several times to PLEASE tell me if he thought I was being unreasonable, and he assured me over and over that he did not think that.

I really have a lot of hope that this is going to work out. There for a few days I was getting pretty worried. I appreciate all of advice and support I've received here. I will keep you updated and keep praying things work out really well for all of us.


Anon2009's picture

I think it'll be understandably tough on her, especially initially, but I think DH needs to address her feelings with her and not just, well, not address them. I think he needs to tell her that in 7 years, she will be 18 and may well have a BF. He will have to treat this guy with respect and treat his place in her life with respect. She will want her dad to treat her BF/SO with respect even if he, well, isn't his favorite person. I think he also needs to tell her that he loves her unconditionally and always will, and that she doesn't have to like you but she must treat you with respect. And I think that if he played a board game with her once in awhile or did something they're both interested in with her once in awhile and asked her how she's doing, how's school going, how are your friends, etc., that would really help her a lot and make her feel better about this. DH is doing the right things, definitely. But I do think these things could help SD to know that she isn't being completely cast aside. And I think he could also use this as a way to encourage her to gain more independence from him (who, after all, wants to spend all their time with an old, uncool guy like Dad, after all Wink ) and hang out with her friends, and make new ones.

A lot of it also depends on what kind of parent BM is too. Does she encourage SD to get to know you and treat you with respect as an adult in her life?

katielee's picture

DH's problem isn't in NOT spending time with her... It's in making her the center of his attention whenever they're together. I understand he has to be sensitive to her feelings but the transition needs to be made and to a large extent she IS going to have to get used to it. I have no doubt DH will be careful to let her know he still loves her. He's a sweetheart like that.

I think we have a good enough relationship that we can both pay attention to her together. We both ask her about school and listen to her stories, etc.

SD11 is never outwardly disrespectful toward me. Her dad would not put up with that and she knows it. She simply competes with me for his attention/affection. She is used to being the mini-wife, pretty much. Her mom just makes light of me...kinda like she thinks I'm temporary. Would love to point out to her that he married me for love and only married her because she got pregnant.

MarriedaBallessWonder's picture

I'm glad your DH is finally getting it.

Please show him this article, it will open his eyes even more. I made my DH read it in front of me a few months ago and it has really helped our marriage. I've gone almost 10 years with him putting BM above me and was on the verge of divorcing him. I even looked at attorneys. We went to marriage counseling for about 4 months and it helped, but this article has helped more than anything.

Please have your DH read it. I copy and pasted it because it pop-up ads on the page make it almost impossible to read it.



Man in the middle of his current and ex-spouse

Many men feel as if they are in the middle of a Tyson/Holyfied fight when it comes to their ex and current wife. They work hard to strike a peaceful balance between them, but unfortunately their tactics do more harm than good. Those tactics include working overtime to reassure their child that they'll always be there for him. They also work, seemingly even harder, to reassure their ex-wives that they'll always be there for their son. According to informal conversations with many divorced and remarried fathers, they feel that if they do all of this reassuring that their ex-wives will feel less threatened by the new wife and therefore won't cause problems. Men are often caught in the middle for three reasons:


Remember that he loves his child and a good father will usually struggle with what he thinks he should be doing to make him/her happy and you happy simultaneously. For the record fellas, I completely understand your plight. However, you must understand that you need to do two things when it comes to making your child happy and healthy. I call it the two “R’s.” You must always be realistic and remain a parent. The worst thing you can do is overcompensate due to the divorce. If you didn’t give into your child’s every whim when you were married to his/her mother, don’t start now. Remember, children of divorced parents are seasoned veterans at dividing and conquering. It is imperative that you demand the same positive behavior as before the divorce. Offering limited control over the child out of guilt of hurting them already can have detrimental effects on their behavior.

To break it down even further, let me give you a couple of examples. It is a Christmas tradition for you, your child, and your ex-wife to spend Christmas Eve exchanging gifts. Or, you ex-wife and child are out having dinner and your ex-wife calls to ask you to join them, supposedly at the child’s request. Your response to both or any other similar request that involves you spending time together as a family, should be NO because you are no longer a family. Yes you will always be his father and mother, but you are no longer a famil,y and continuing family traditions is giving that child a false sense of hope. Furthermore, it makes it more difficult for him/her to accept someone new once you both remarry. The moment you divorce you must teach the child that while mom and dad love you just the same as we did before, you are going to have two separate families now. Reassure the child that you will both be there for him/her, but just not in the way you were before. Create new family traditions to reinforce this new way of thinking. Don’t continue with the old ones. If you do, when you do remarry, and the current wife has a problem with you continuing these traditions with your ex-wife (this is inevitable), then you have to change and when you do, you’ve just taught the child that things changed when she came along. This is why children feel as if it is the evil stepmother that changes everything in their lives.

Having said that, try to keep certain things the same so not turn the child’s world completely around. If it’s possible to keep the child in the same school and home as well as continue any extra curricular activities, it’s in the best interest of the child to do so. Both parents should also encourage relationships with the child’s extended family on either side, but not participate in, nor facilitate these relationships, unless they are your parents.

You don’t have to keep the ex-wife happy

Most men are naïve and think it is their responsibility to keep the ex-wife happy in order to keep their child happy and therefore, remain in the child’s life. This is the second reason men feel as if they are caught in the middle. I have three words for you gentlemen, “forsaken all others.” Do you remember those words? This is what you vowed to do once you married your second wife. That vow includes ex-wives and even children. Your only obligation is to remain an active parent in your child’s life. You are no longer obligated to your ex-wife, no matter how she tries to convince you otherwise. A man who pays attention to his second wife is not treating his first wife and mother of his child like crap. He is divorced from his first wife, and as long as he fulfils the obligations of the divorce decree, he is not morally obligated to come to his ex-wife’s rescue whenever she calls. His only obligation is to treat his former spouse with civility.

You cannot parent your child effectively if both of the child’s homes are in turmoil. Furthermore, you cannot be the one to make sure that both homes are in order. At this point, your ex-wife is responsible for her own happiness, and if she’s too distressed or bitter to raise the child, then you need to legally request that she send him over to you. What you don’t need to do is keep her happy to remain in the child’s life. If she is making it difficult for you to remain in the child’s life because of her own issues, consult a family law attorney or mediator immediately to resolve the issue.

There should never be a battle between your current and your ex-wife because your current wife is always number one. Traditional therapists and/or psychologists will probably chop my head off for saying this, but it’s true. And, if their theory worked (always reassure the child that they are number one in your life), then we wouldn’t have as many problems with ex-wives, ex-lives and “evil stepmothers” as we do now. If you take care of your marriage first, then you will be better parents. If you are better parents, then you have a happy healthy child, no matter where their parents live. The truth of the matter is the child will not always be number one in your life, and if you are teaching your child this, you are doing more harm than good. Once you remarry and/or have other children, that number one status has to be shared with the other special people in your life.

Teaching your child any differently is conveying three things:

1. The world revolves around him/her no matter what.
2. Anyone who gets in the way will ruin it for them.
3. Change is bad.

This will make the child more reluctant to accept anyone else. As I stated earlier, reassure the child that you will always be dad; you will always be there for him/her; and that he/she will always be special to you. However, you must both prepare and encourage him/her (even if you aren’t remarried yet) to make room for someone else. This will convey to the child that although things have changed, change is good as long as you are willing to embrace it.

I don’t know what’s going on

The final reason most men are caught in the middle is because they will claim they haven’t a clue as to what is going on. For the record, I don’t buy this excuse at all. Get backbones men and take control of your families. Your vows with your second wife should be no different than the vows with your first. If you knew what to do then, then you should know what to do now. All your second wife wants is for you to respect your marriage. Below are some tips to help keep your marriage and your child healthy and happy.

1. Any decision involving your family should be made with your current wife. If that decision will affect your child, then you should inform your ex-wife, but not the other way around.

2. Don’t base all of your decisions around the child if he isn’t primarily in your home. For example, if you have children with your second wife or your second wife has children, don’t go to a movie or enjoy other activities with them only during visitation with your child. This sends the message that life only goes on when you’re together, and that’s the wrong message.

3. Always, always, always communicate honestly with your child. Never tell the child what he/she wants to hear. Tell your child the truth so that there are no surprises in the end.

4. Treat your second wife like a wife. Just because you married her second doesn’t mean she should have to come second to your ex-wife and your baggage.

5. Always be sensitive to your current wife’s feelings.

6. Always be sensitive to your child’s feelings, and open to communicate about them whenever necessary.

7. Don’t alienate your current wife from issues with your child. It takes a whole village to raise a child. Make your current wife a part of that village.

8. Demand the same positive behavior from your child just as you did prior to the divorce.

9. Remain a parent and never reverse the roles out of guilt.

10. Set boundaries when it comes to your ex-wife. She should never be allowed to wreak havoc on your family just because she’s bitter and unhappy.

So gentlemen, it is unfortunate that you are the “man in the middle” but please know that you put yourself there. There should be no middle, just you on one end and your current wife on the other. Your second marriage should be no different than your first. You took vows before God to honor, love, respect and protect your marriage. As long as you do that everything else will more easily follow.
