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Is this too hard for the wittle princess???

katielee's picture

Since SD12 moved in with us, she's basically laid on her ass and did nothing to contribute to the household. A few days ago my husband decided it would be her job to do the dishes. OMG, you would have thought he'd asked her to scale Mount Everest. At first she only did a few plates and cups, so I asked her to finish the dishes. She told me her daadddyyy told her she didn't have to do the pots and pans and the "big stuff." Mind you, this child is as tall and big as an adult. It's not like she's weak or tiny, so I talked to my husband and told him if she wasn't going to do them all, then just forget it because I am not going to argue with her over which dish she is supposed to wash and which one she is supposed to leave for me. After waffling a couple of minutes, he finally told her to do them all.

OMG, she cursed and banged around and yelled from the kitchen for 10 minutes. It got so bad I videotaped it on my cell phone and sent it to my husband and she lost her phone for a week.

So today she went back to school after being off last week on Spring Break. I asked my husband if she is still doing the dishes or if I just need to go ahead and do them because I don't want to get behind. He says to me...could she just do the small stuff? Not the pots and pans?

ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME? HELL NO. Either she does them all or she gets another chore. I'm not spending two hours a day arguing with her. I already told him that. So once again, he has decided the wittle tiny princess has to do all the dishes.

Good lorda-mercy. I puke in my mouth so many times a day I am developing GERD.


Willow2010's picture

LOL...This is what you need to tell DH.

The dishes are SDs chore. If they are not done...HE is responsible for them. No if ands or butts about it. Either he makes her do it or he can do it himself.

This applies to ALL chores or messes that SD makes. If she leaves her shoes in living room. Tell DH to go pick them up. He will get tired and start making her do more crap.

askYOURdad's picture

"He says to me...could she just do the small stuff? Not the pots and pans?"

^^^^oh geeze! what do you even say to that lol? What is wrong with these guys that they are afraid to assert themselves to children? Like hell I would allow my twelve year old child to curse and throw a tantrum over doing a chore! Her room would consist of a bed and homework until her attitude changed! Why don't these dads think like this???

katielee's picture

When my kids were growing up, my ex-DH and I always required them to do chores to contribute to the household. Then we gave them extra chores they could do for money. But first they had to contribute.

If they didn't do their chore well or if they had a poor attitude, I assumed they needed more practice doing chores, so they got more chores assigned.

farting_glitter's picture

omg Katielee, this sounds like a nightmare....hang in there and stand your ground!!!

WhittySM's picture

Omg! Someone else is living my life! SD12 has a list of chores that she never does, butDH continues to pay her allowance of $20 a week! One of her chores was scooping dog poop once a week. She says to me she would rather do the dishes ever night than scoop dog poop once a week. Ok, DH tells her she can switch chores. She never did the dishes excerpt for a few times, and those few times it was like pulling her teeth. So she tells DH, she doesn't like doing the dishes can she just make her bed every morning instead. Uh, 1. That was already on her chore list. 2. She NEVER does it, like ever.

I've disengaged. It may be the only thing that can save my sanity... And my marriage.

princessmofo's picture

Renegotiate. If 'princess' doesn't want to do the dishes, then she can 1) clean the toilets 2) pick up the dog turds in the yard 3) mow the lawn *I did this at 12* 4) clean out the garage, basement

Find the most disgusting job possible. Give her the option of all the dishes or that job. Screw your dh. I want to ask him to look in 'princess's' backpack for his balls.

bearcub25's picture

My home too.

SD13 does absolutely nothing. Gets home from school, sleeps for 4 hours, eats and then sits on her ass which is getting bigger all the time.
My DD gave me a full size mattress/box springs. She had to clean her room before DSO could swap the beds. I thought she cleaned up her room good so I could start painting and fixing it up. DSO was shocked how disgusting it got in 5 days. Doesn't shock me in the least. She is a trashy person like her BM.

Luvthepolice's picture

I have SD12.. I couldn't imagine her doing anything at our house! Well she will not let go of daddyyyyy long enough for him to get a glass of water! I do not understand why these men let their daughters just do anything they want. So what if you hurt their feelings! I hurt my kids (bd14 and bs18) all the time.. They are still alive lol.. It hasn't killed my bio kids to do chores or follow why can't these skids do it!

DaizyDuke's picture

Hey, I wouldn't knock the small stuff. SD16 does NOTHING in our house, the Perfect Precious Princess can't even clean up after her slob ass SELF, much less help out the household by putting dishes in the dishwasher, or taking the garbage out or making sure there is toilet paper in the bathroom that only she uses 98% of the time....

Hell, DH even offered to PAY her last summer to weed whack, or mow or pull weeds or ANYTHING and nope... P3 couldn't be bothered. But whatever, DHs fault for allowing this bullshit

snoopyinoz's picture

Wow. Just wow! SD12 has been doing dishes since she was 8! That is her chore (one of them anyway) she tried that "but daddddyyyyy said" crap and DH told her ALL THE DISHES! And if she did a half ass job, DH made her do it over! Hell one weekend he told her if she did a half ass job she was washing every dish in the house. Took her a few times but she managed toget it through her head to do them right or do them over.....

simifan's picture

Next time you cook dinner, only serve veggies. Tell DH I thought it was okay just to do the small stuff. Sometimes, we've got to put it right in their face for them to get it.

luchay's picture

ooooh ooooh - you could kiss him, and play with him, get him all worked up, and leave the job unfinished....

"I thought it was ok to just do the small stuff?"