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What would you do???

katielee's picture

I live several hundred miles away from my mother and siblings. Every Thanksgiving we go to my family's house for the week. This is usually the only time of the year I get to see my family. The biggest reason we go Thanksgiving week is because it is the opening week of deer hunting season and my husband likes to hunt on my family's land.

This year, DH wants to take SDstb13.

The thing is, anytime SD is around I am miserable. We have full custody and I live for the times she is with her BM. She is just a mean-spirited girl who would like nothing more than to break up my marriage. She makes drama just for entertainment.

My family doesn't like her because they know how she treats me, but they are willing to have her there IF it's okay with me.

I don't want to take her with us, but the CO says we have her for Thanksgiving week:(

I don't want to ruin my DH's Thanksgiving but this is the only time of year I ever get to spend with my family.

What would you all do?


zerostepdrama's picture

What have you done in the past? Has she always been with BM during that time? And this year its just different?

I would ask your DH where SD is going to be while he is hunting....

katielee's picture

In the past it has always just been DH and I on Thanksgiving. She came to live with us FT early this year.

SD would probably LOVE to be hunting with DH the whole time we're there but I'm not planning to feed the mini-wife beast on my family's dime, so I guess she'll be staying at my mother's house with me:(

Disneyfan's picture

Since dad is the CP now and the order states he has her that week, you may have to suck it up or spend Thanksgiving without your husband.

Your husband may just have to hunt/spend Thanksgiving with your family every other year until SD is 18.

katielee's picture

My family will most likely shut her down at the first sign of misbehavior since they don't like this kid anyway. I just don't want to deal with the aggravation.

katielee's picture

I wouldn't be surprised if she didn't misbehave, simply because she's ridiculously jealous and competitive with my DD20, and since this is DD20's family, she will probably be getting a whole lot more attention than SDstb13. SDstb13 is very attention seeking so I expect that this might cause her to act out. It's crazy that she competes with DD20 since there's such a big difference in age, but she drives my daughter up a wall with it.