OMG you guys will NOT believe this!
SO thinks that SD is sleepwalking. :jawdrop:
So on saturday night, SO was alsleep early. SD comes out of her room and heads towards SO and mines room. I heard her ask if he was awake, he didn't say anything. So she comes out in the living room, with her nightgown pulled up around her waist, comes up to the couch and pets the cat, baby talking the cat like she usually does. Making perfect sense, I asked her what she was doing out of bed and she said "I don't know, I just couldn't sleep." I told her that she needed to try to go back to sleep, and she went back towards her room on her own.
About 5 minutes later she comes out of her room again, with her nightgown pulled up still. Comes back in and pets the cat. Again I ask her, "SD, what are you doing out of bed?" She again told me (making perfect sense) that she couldn't sleep. So I sent her to go potty and I got up to walk to her room.
I step in a wet spot :? , then another wet spot :? , then another wet spot...she was walking all over the house PEEING HERSELF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She literally went into every room in the house peeing!!
Does this sound like sleepwalking to you guys? SO seemed to "brush it off" as sleepwalking. This child has never slept walked that I have seen the entire time I have known her. I have no experience with sleepwalking personally, but the research that I have done all says that children are rather incoherent when speaking. This child made perfect sense when she was talking to me.
She got out of bed last night again, came out of her room and said "My bed isn't very comfortable", that is what she usually says when she has wet the bed. We checked and is wasn't wet, we sent her to potty and then back to bed. AGAIN SO blames this on sleepwalking. I am just not buying it for some reason.
Does anyone have experience with this. Everything I have read about it describes a child muttering incoherently, that is not what is going on here. She made perfect sense. After she came out from going potty after peeing all over the house, she REMEMBERED doing it. Another thing that I was reading says that children with have amnesia about the episode.. :?
Anyone think this is sleepwalking? I am not sold on the idea yet, I told SO that and he just brushed me off. So I told him, it sounds like you WANT it to be sleepwalking, but have you looked into it? HELL NO :O
What do you guys think?
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That is EXACTLY what I
That is EXACTLY what I thought crayon, she had the good sense to pull her nightgrown up to not wet that.
We did recently, make a set of bedtime rules, one being that she was not to get out of bed five times a night for BS reasons. Now I feel like SO is giving her an excuse to get out of bed whenever she feels like it. Cause you know she is "sleepwalking" after all.
This child has NO history of sleepwalking that I know of, and her being coherent and remembering these episodes is making me raise an eyebrow at the whole thing.
So her rules for bedtime have changed recently, do you think she is rebelling against them?
That is exaclty how
That is exaclty how sleepwalking was described to me, and thanks for your reply. It has confirmed that she does not fit the mold of a sleepwalker.
NN is a sleep walker. This
NN is a sleep walker. This doesn't really sound like sleepwalking behavior.
Contact a sleep clinic and
Contact a sleep clinic and call her bluff. My Sister slept walk and my son did for awhile. THey are usually incoherent. For both of them they would just end up waking up in other rooms of the house. If you caught them, you could steer them back to their room. But, peeing is something that she would do where it is natural. She would go into the bathroom. Not pee in the hall like an animal that is untrained.
Call her bluff on this one, she is playing on Daddy. My SD14 used to talk in her sleep to get attention whenever she would "sleep" in the car. DH always thought it was so cute. Me - No. She wasn't asleep.
Thank you Crayon I have had
I have had this discussion with my SO.
Children are expert manipulators. The only control that kids have in life, is to try to manipulate the adults around them. It is our jobs to see through the BS.
Yes and no. I didn't clean it
Yes and no. I didn't clean it up. I sprayed lysol on all the pee spots to get rid of the smell. :sick: I placed a post it note on all the spots and he was on his hands and knees the next morning scrubbing }:)
Thank you all for your
Thank you all for your relpies. I AM NOT CRAZY AFTERALL!
I did some research on sleepwalking, SO did not. I didn't sound like sleepwalking to me. She didn't meet a few of the key signs. Just gotta find a way to get SO to see this.
I did a little something that irritated the crap out of SD. She is no longer to have fluid within an hour of bedtime. She is also NOT to sleep on her top bunk, which is where she usually sleeps. }:) Because of her "sleepwalking".
I will say I suspect that
I will say I suspect that it's manipulation and I agree with most everyone else. But...........I myself am an occationaly sleepwalker and talker as is my DD. I will answer when spoken to when sleepwalking. My DH has had a few very odd conversations with me. And I, as does DD, speak very clearly even when asleep. And sometimes if I've been jarred awake during an episode, I have vague recollection of it. I am a very deep sleeper. I would say it's on the rare side but possible.
My brother sleep walks and
My brother sleep walks and that is so not how he does it. He really has no idea he is up or doing or saying anything. He never makes sense either. He has done this his whole life and since I am older (a lot older) I had to make sure he was ok. One time he almost went out the back door thinking it was the bathroom.
The way you describe your sd she is not sleep walking at all but she is trying to get attention. Take her to a sleep clinic and see what they say. Take her to a behavral doc as well. I say that b/c her behavior is out of control and she will continue to do taht till she is stopped.
If it were me I'd take her stuff away for a while and put her back to bed b/c she is just doing it for attention. Every time she got up I'd take something away til she got it in her head that bed time is bed time.
Hmm, I have a son who as a
Hmm, I have a son who as a child would wake up and pee in the closet because he thought it was the toilet. If I managed to catch him i could direct him to the bathroom and he was OK with that.
My other son (even to this day)... you can wake him up, have a perfectly logical conversation with him and leave the room. He can come out 30 minutes later and I would keep talking to him continuing the conversation and he would have no idea what I was talking about.
My sister would get out of bed, walk to the front door and open the door and call for the cat.
I don't know. You could try telling her that as she is getting up at night and 'sleepwalking' she obviously isn't getting enough sleep and has to be in bed by 6pm. Seeing daylight saving starts this weekend she may get the hint.
Also you may mention that as she is peeing during her 'sleepwalking' she will have to wear a pull up to bed.
Also as she will sleepwalk it may prove to be 'very dangerous' and you may need a rail put on her bed. "After all, people have been known to start cooking when they are sleepwalking"
It may pay to get her tested though. I have seen my kids do some weird stuff while sleepwalking
While its very easy to
While its very easy to dismiss it all as retailiation, you dont want this to be the one case where this is serious and you dismiss it. I would discuss with your SO about what to do because sleepwalking at her age can be dangerous.
My SS4 opened the front door and was about to walk out in a sleepwalking episode. We were in a second floor apartment. Luckily someone was staying over and ran over when he saw the front door open. According to friend, when asked what he was doing, SS with blanket over his head saiod, "the man told me to get out." Completely cohearent response which freaked the friend out so much he woke us up. They, the friend and my SO thought SS was possesed-I told them they were stupid and went back to bed. I just said we've gotta make sure to lock the door, so he doesnt get out again.
The biggest issue you can control is the peeing all over. The limit of drink can be up to 2 hours before and I agree to have an overnight underwear [a plastic sheet wont do because shes walking while she pees].
The addition of earlier bedtime is genius! Also, setting a time to get out of bed in the morning could also help. My mom has a rule that no one can get out of bed (minus bathroom) until after 8 am on the weekends.
If the episodes continue, recommend going to a sleep specialist. If it is acting out, it should stop after wearing overnights and early bedtime for like 3 months, but if it doesn't then youll know.
I agree that I wouldnt
I agree that I wouldnt necessarily take a confrontive approach with your sd or dh-but just try and "help". No fluids after 6pm. Pullups to bed. Earlier bed time so she can get her rest.
I think it is probably manipulation-. My ss, when he was around age 8 shit himself a couple of different times when he was in a 10 mintue timeout. My dh had a hard time believing he'd do something so nasty on purpose and of course ss adamantly denied it. It wasnt til I pointed out that he could go all night without pooping himself-for a 90 minute carride without pooping himself, etc-and if he couldnt hold it for 10 minutes then he really needed to go back diapers-that both dh seemed to get it. I've worked with lots of kids with behavioral disorders and peeing and pooping all over the house is a fairly common thing with these kids. I've worked with kids that would consistently pee down the vents (despite their being a bathrooom right next to them, that pee and poop themselves in timeout-this one is real common, and basically just pee all over the place "to mark their territory"
I also wanted to say that my
I also wanted to say that my brother had "night terrors" when we were kids. These were horrible. He would get up and punch holes in the walls, he broke a glass coffee table, he would scream and try to run up the stairs-my parents would have to physically restrain him until he calmed down.
I slept walked when I was a
I slept walked when I was a kid, I used to go down into the unfinished basement and babble at the hot water heater, atleast thats what my parents told me. Your SD is not sleep walking, she's to coherent and she wouldn't be asking if daddykins is awake or lifting her nightie to not get it wet. She doesn't like the new rules and she's doing what animals do, she's peeing to mark her territory. If it were me I'd rub her nose in it.Time for daddy to wake up and be consistent with his kid and stop making excuses.
DH sleeptalks. Sometimes
DH sleeptalks. Sometimes it's completely coherent, sometimes it's hysterical nonsense. Sometimes, he pours his heart and his inner fears out. ("I'm sorry, I'm sorry, don't leave me." when he has done nothing wrong)
SOMETIMES, and I don't know what triggers it, he gets up and starts going about his day, but doesn't remember the first 20 minutes of it. This is particularly evident when I'm having a bitchy morning (sometimes I get irrationally irritated in the mornings) and I yell at him, then apologize later, and he has no idea what I'm talking about.
I'm going to second everybody and say time to get the kid to a doc.