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I am saying goodbye

Kevin The Man's picture

I am saying goodbye to you all, to my SO, and to the two boys that once called me dad. I am letting go of a lot. Most of all, I am letting go of my best friend. I say, 'If you love someone let them go, if they come back they are yours' , type mentality I have now. I want to see her act, her struggle, her TRY!! With her or without her I will be fine, I just preferred with her as the path I wanted to travel.

I love you Heather, I always will, forever


RustyHalo's picture

Please tell us what happened between the two of you?

******My daddy always said: "It's better to be a SMARTASS, than a DUMBASS!******

Stick's picture

You will save yourself further grief if you stick to it.

Fifth Wheel... you can go back and look at KTM's blogs and it explains it all right there.

Best of luck to you Kevin..

*** A rainbow just threw up on me... and now I'm sh*tting glitter! ***

RustyHalo's picture

just hoping to not make the same mistakes she did. I don't want to lose my FH.
I will go read his blogs now.

******My daddy always said: "It's better to be a SMARTASS, than a DUMBASS!******

Sita Tara's picture

Set me free to find the love of my life.

I never thought it was possible at the time, but I did it. Happily married to a wonderful and nurturing man for the past 4.5 years.

This is step one KTM.

Step two is taking the time to truly heal your heart and peel off the relationship.

Step three is the hardest - or was for me-

Letting another person in. Took forever, and still fought it all the way, because moving on meant really truly letting go.

You can do it!

Good luck on the journey.

Conflicted's picture

through some of your posts and it sounds to me like you are making the right decision.... I wish you luch in the future, you sound like a great guy.