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update to court blig earlier

KiFire's picture

Well it wasn't bad but it certainly wasn't what we wanted. Fdh will be getting one extra day because the judge "isn't counting up hours an minutes to make days..." its the day after easter so we will have SD7 from easter eve until 6pm on Monday.

But tgebig thing we needed to do... well things, were fixing the overnight situation andgetting that GBM out of the picture.

All contact will be through email, fdh wanted ofw but bm can't afford it and doesn't have internet. She agreed to email because she can do it from her phone (but can't use that phone for SD to call fdh)

Drop offs and pick ups will be at BMS. Fdh will ring the buzzer and bm will send SD down. Or up if he's bringing her home, they don't need to talk to or even see each other but there's no more bullshit with GBM. Fdh wanted to do a grocery store parking lot but bm said her car is broken. Then not 10 minutes later tried to argue him out of his overnights because he doesn't have a car (its registered in my name and he's got shitty eyesight so he doesn't drive when his glasses RX isn't current) the judge looked at her and said " you just told me your car isn't working. Does thatmean you dont deserve custody??"

All in all its a good step. Later well want to make more changesbut for now this is ggood.