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kim1960's picture

Well we finally met with the attorney yesterday to discuss the case which is set for trial April 24th. BF and BM both have indirect civil contempt charges against each other for various violations of the JPA and the divorce decree. Mentioned to attorney that ss has been talking about playing basketball with his friends the last few visits. When BF asked BM about it she said to ask ss. Well ss is only four so he didn't know where he played, if he had regular games etc. So we were just lost as to if he was just playing with his friends etc. Attorney says contact the local YMCA and see if he played there. BF did and we found out that he was on a basketball team and that the season ended March 3rd. We never got to see a game, have a chance to order pictures etc. Attorney thinks the judge will find BM in contempt but not boyfriend. Her issue is that we will not pay 1/2 for the chiropractor bills she has run up taking ss to him for ear infections. BF strongly believes he should see his pediatrician for that. He believes we will win on not paying for the couseling either as BF never felt ss needed counseling, he wasn't consulted about it and only found out after the fact. Even though BF has always paid his child support through the Circuit Clerk she wants an order for withholding so it is taken directly out of his check. Well I guess she can have it. Circuit CLerks office, BF and BM all live in the same town. If there is a order for withholding it has to go through the office in Chicago 275 miles away. And the office is notorious for being behind in processing the checks. There have been newspaper articles about it. In fact attorney said that some of his other clients are waiting on support checks from December. So if that is what she wants let her have it. It's 50/50 on the tax exemption since we no longer keep ss every other weekend. She gets $10,000 tax free a year for Gods sake. So we will just have to see how that goes. As far as her other violations we will just have to see........But I stll can't believe she didn't tell him about the basketball. Why would she do that to her son? He would have been thrilled to see his dad and his brother and sisters cheering for him at his games. Every time I think she can't get any worse she proves me wrong!


happy mom's picture

so typical of bm to do that. we get our info the day before it happens. keep us posted on the result, i'm eager to find out.

-happy mom