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It has been too long....

Kiwiflowers6's picture

I have been absent from here for a great while. Life has been busy.


5 of the 7 kiddos are now in school. So yay for that!

My youngest is about to be 9 months old and he already has 3 teeth and is crawling and pulling himself up to a full stand. He has also learned how to shut the xbox off mid game play and the other kids get upset but they move on lol

My 3 year old is adorable and so smart. Learning her colors and numbers, but potty training has been a b*tch. I've had no issues potty training my 2 oldest bios, 2 of the 3 step kiddos, but for some reason she is just refusing to go. ( unless of course it is bedtime and she doesn't want to go to bed immediately so she will say she has to pee and poop to go sit for a while then goes to bed.

My 7 year old is still taking his meds for his 3 form of ADHD AND ODD. But as always it suppresses his appetite and so getting him to gain weight is still a pain in the ass. ( med check and weight check was yesterday and he did gain a pound and Dr. said he is on track so yay again for that)

My 8 year old is a great older brother, however with starting this new school, he doesn't have any drive to do his homework. We are currently working on a way to keep him focused and trying to figure out what the best way for him to learn is. ( maybe I need to turn it into game, something fun for him to stay interested)

My 8 yr old ss is great in school however he decided he didn't want to do his homework last week then hide the note the teacher sent home so the principal did an in school suspension for one day and he finally brought me home the paper for that to sign, and his father and I had a long talk with him about that and about responsibilities.

My 6yr old ss is excelling in school. Reading needs a little work but he is getting it.

my 5 yr old sd, is doing amazing. Her teacher is amazing and always keeps the lines of communication open.

On the home front with Hubby and I, we are living each day like it is our last. Always trying to show each other how much we love and appreciate each other. ( I recently had a death in the family of a younger cousin who was raised as my sibling that really shook us to our core)

Work is going well..... got a promotion but still transitioning into it.

Thats all for now... will update more later.