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WTF... does being a "skid" automatically translate to "stupid and lazy?"

knucklehead's picture

Argh.... seriously, how hard is it to actually put $20K+ in "secondary educational expenses" to USE and actually...oh, PASS the program?!?
DH's two adult children are either ridiculously stupid, or ridiculously lazy.

SS23 took a "hotel" program but couldn't graduate because there was a "problem with his internship hours." Yeah, right, whatever. DH asked him if he's followed up AGAIN (since it's now been MONTHS that he missed graduating) and no, SS just doesn't want to deal with it because it pisses him off.

SD19 took a "medical" progam but has consistently failed to pass the "exit" exam. She's down to her last try. She dutifully works at fast food (at least that's something!!) but can't seem to put $20K to good use.

And WE get to pay for it. All because DH thought it was his "duty" to pay for it. (WTF? He paid for his college; his parents sure as hell didn't!!) and because of this "duty" made sure it was included in the divorce decree.


My older son, DS17, is in high school AND college and has been for the last year. His POS sperm donor doesn't pay for squat, let alone college expenses, and his grades at college are all A-B. Ahhhhhh!!!

Why is it that stupid and lazy is rewarded but hard working and successful is not??



StarStuff's picture

Sometimes, if the grades are good enough. In my experience it's been doing the last two years of high school plus the first two years of college at the same time.

knucklehead's picture

Your post made me laugh!!

Unfortunately, DH's CO says he pays until they're 24, but at least our state law ends it at 23. For SS, the time has passed.

We potentially have another 4 frigging years of paying "something" for SD.