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Feeling Guilty

krfergy's picture

Okay, so I'm pretty sure my fiances 5 year old daughter is NOT his biologically. He has told me this before and so has his ex-wife a few times. Also the fact that she looks nothing like either of her parents. Is it bad that I think he should get a paternity test?

Coming from a broken home myself as a child, I would NOT want to find out later in life that my dad wasn't biologically my dad. I'd want it out sooner rather than later.


hereiam's picture

It's not bad that you think he should, but it's not up to you.

Does your fiance want a paternity test? Whether they want to get a paternity test done on their daughter and whether they want to tell her now, or when she's 12 or when she's 22, it's not your call.

Depending on the circumstances, it could do more harm than good and chances are, it's not going to change anything, legally.