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krissykat's picture

My SS turned 4 recently. I want him to go to preschool because the kid needs friends and social interaction outside of his brother his dad and me. His dad agrees and it would also take a lot off me not having to practically raise these boys. We have talked to BM about SS10 going to physical school and as far as I know she plans on it.

Regarding SS4 I don't know if it's going to be a fight putting him into school, but do I need permission? Shes considered the custodial parent even though she doesn't and hasn't had the kids besides a few nights a week or on a weekend she tries to make her kids like her with Disney land or sea world or other places SS10 says he doesn't want to go. Does dad have the right to sign him up for a preschool? Its going to be a struggle to pay for it after giving her CS that doesn't actually go to supporting any children, but we can pull the money from somewhere, but can he legally sign him up for it without her? 

In the court papers it does state that he has a right to all decisions if that matters.


tog redux's picture

If they have joint custody, he can sign him up without BM's consent.

But why is he keeping them the majority of the time AND paying CS? Time to change that.

krissykat's picture

We have tried and unless we plan on spending thousands of dollars in court, they won't adjust the CS