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What a week!

Lady Sav's picture

I really wanted to check in with everyone this week.
But mother fluffer what a week.
Month end at work, so been pulling late nights at the office.
Also had to file my tax yesterday and clean out study.

Meanwhile MIL is begging me to ask BM if she can go see SS when she is in the city for a wedding.

She has being asking BM for the last 3 months with no response.
Like im just ignoring her for now, but what do i do, BM has blocked all of DHs calls and email etc.. for some reason not mine (always looking for drama or a way to come at me)
What do i do now?

Anyway, i hope to pop in at everyones updated posts this week as soon as i can get this Month end sorted.
Please have a drama free, BM bitch free, Stepkids stress free week.


Lady Sav's picture

i've told her that im avoiding all communication with BM.
So she says "send her the message and she'll probably respond to me"

OMFW i dont care! trying to stay out of it.
SIL is also begging me now, wants her 8 month old daughter to meet her cousin.
They are ignoring her too.

Im just not responding to them anymore.

Lady Sav's picture

None of us have her phone number anymore.
Email is the only open line of communication.
But you know what?

I just dont care!
Im over it.
And im enjoying my new found psychological freedom.
My marriage is actually about us for the first time:)