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It's NOT freaking hormones!

Lalena75's picture

Yes there will probably be cursing at this point. I'm hurt and frustrated and the straw was something simple. I just wanted to cook pizza in the oven. SO knew this, knew when I'd be home and had torn apart the stove and taken off the knobs to "clean them" he'd already come across as having a chip on his shoulder told my dd he was refusing to make dinner because ds and I wouldn't be home till later. She didn't help when she called to tattle on him and I got on her that no he doesn't have to cook. Long story short I snapped on everyone that #1 my being in class 2 days a week is NOT new we've been doing this for 3 years, #2 I did this for 2 years on my own with kids I'VE GOT THIS! #3 thank you for cleaning the house but I'm not going to praise you for being an ass on top of it I already said thank you for cleaning several times even though you threw away things I needed and ruined my grandmother lace table cloth that is supposed to be hand washed!. #4 MY feelings are MY feelings and you don't get to negate them or tell me they are wrong! #5 I'm not upset because of hormones I'm furious I'm being disrespected yelled at for supposedly yelling because I was driving and the phone was hands free and because I feel certain things were done simply to control a situation thereby controling me. I worked all day went straight to class just wanted pizza and Tylenol and bed instead dd and SO were blowing up my phone and I come home to SO acting butt hurt because he chose to play housewife today. I want a man who goes to work too and shares in housework if I wanted a housewife I'd of been a lesbian! I'm tired I can't ever discuss a difference of opinion because I "need to take a midol", or "your fucking nuts that's not what I said" or " talk to me in a week when your not hormonal and crazy" I'm not going to be gaslighted and I just want an adult conversation and acknowledgemet of my feelings.


queenofthedamned's picture

I would have been pissed too. I feel your pain because I am in school too, an d rushed straight from a 10 hour workday to class.

I HATE gaslighting. I could never have gone to school while I was with my ex, who was also a gaslighter. You have my respect.

I hope you ordered a pizza, on his dime.