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Too much

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I don't need this crap. Even the adults think they are entitled. BM snatched SO's daughter from school while we've had her to treat for lice we were keeping her for another week to give her a second treatment and BM went to her school and took her out 2 hours early saying she had a Dr. apt. I think she's running with the kids, SO doesn't think she's that dumb. Clueless much? No co means sh can do just what she did school can't stop her taking the kids. So he's just a wreak because he wants his kids. Then my ex goes on a tirade wanting 30% of my tax return to pay HIS back child support he owe me! On and on about me breaking my word I had to shut my phone off because I was in the middle of a class and had to take 2 tests online at 10 last night for this weekend class. He called me a liar and a thief! A word breaker. Oh really now pretty sure You ass face broke a major word when you stood in front of all our friends and family and forsaked all other while you knew damn well you were already cheating and continued to do so for 15 years! He thinks he's entitled to the money I worked for because before the divorce I said I would give him 30% of my return cause I the dumb ass I was still was sleeping with him still lived him and was still his doormat! I'm no longer responsible for fixing his messes. now he's off working under the table for a friend of mine whom because of this I'm no longer friends with he took my kids an hour away for his weekend and wants my money he doesn't even meet irs guidelines to claim the kids,the co says I claim both kids every year, is thousands behind on cs he wants me to pay (cause I'll just be getting my money back and I agreed verbally to give him money) he plans to keep getting unemployment and work this job. but I'm a mean hateful C, I'm vindictive and mean I'm a liar and a thief. i let him stay on my auto insurance cause it saves him money I let him stay on my cell phone plan cause it saves him money. want mean and hateful I'm cancelling him on both and he can go F himself. I'm so pissed to tired I've got to much to deal with between him and work and school and my kids and dumb BM. I can't wait to get my degree sell the house full of reminders of his cheating (my ex) and leave this country.