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Was I out of line?

Lalena75's picture

Exh texts 9 min before time to pick up our kids that "I can't get the kids right now will text u when I can" kids are ready and waiting 3 hrs later dd calls him, and I text him no answer kids are ticked and so I tell them to just plan to stay here.
He finally texts back "sorry for ur inconvenience we're in the er just turned my phone on to update u"
It's now 9:30 3 and a half hours, so I told him" it would of been nice to of told me after doing over 100 clinical hrs in the ER I'd of known it'd be 3-4 hours hope everythingur is okayto do u just want to get the kids in the am"
so he assholes back "again so very sorry I sooo inconvenienced U shouldI of known ud know that you know EVERYTHING I can get the kids in 10 min getting scripts soon"
Then he decides nevermind get the kids in the morning.
As a BM was I out of line that he could/should of given me some idea what was going on rather than wait all night not knowing when/if he'd show we live 2 blocks from each other so it's not an out of the way drive for either of us. And I always have to defend how I know stuff or he treats me shitty for being intelligent now he's an ass when I defend myself. I was upset because the kids were mad at him he does this all the time in a min to him is always an hour ir more.


oldone's picture

I don't care what he was doing in ER he could have called.

I went into the ER by ambulance in an almost dead state (was on life support for a week)and still managed to have a phone call placed to someone who was expecting me.

notagain2012's picture

He should have let you know. And I'm sorry, but if someone was in the er, it prob was not a good night to try and have his kids. His priorities were obviously elsewhere. And by saying he Inconvinced you, he was just being an ass. It wasn't about you, it was about his kids sitting there waiting on a dad who was no where to be found.

Not sure of ur situation, but in Ga, they have 30 mins or they forfeit visitation (if u have a court order for sure). My ex tried playing this game when my son was very small. He would push it to make me wait as long as he could. It took exactly twice, of him being over 30 min late, and me walking away with kid in tow for his games to stop.

Oh, and don't have to listen to his bs, and him talking crap to you. Simply tell him, if he wants to talk crap, fine bit ignore him (i know, very hard to do) and just don't respond (he has no problem ignoring you) unless its related to the kids and insult free. You could always tell him, until he can have a grown up talk involving the kids, you won't be responding. You are still letting him make you feel like crap, and he is making it about you and him. Not the kids.

Lalena75's picture

It's 15 yrs of habit to defend myself we have a CO I have sole he gets eowe my kids are old enough (heck our dd is less than a year to being 18) they alot of times will decide whether to wait or not and being 2nice blocks from each other sometimes they'll walk there or walk home. I might just have to go with 30 min or forfeit till at least the next day even if I have plans they're old enough to watch themselves. Plus if someone in that house has the flu that's going around they don't need to go they haven't had flu shots and the flu this year is horrible.