Ungrateful skids during holidays? entitled? 5+ different xmas holiday celebrations? UGGHHHHH
So, with Christmas right around the corner, Ive been thinking about how SD gets to have 5+ Xmases and how SD seems disappointed if she doesn't get Everything on her wishlist from DH and I. SD gets to open gifts here, with her mom, with BMs boyfriends family, with my mom and grandma, with BMs parents AND with DH's parents!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SIX effin xmases?!?!?!I JUST REALIZED THAT as I was typing!!!!!!!!!! and she acts ungrateful? disappointed? BORED???????? eewww I'm pissed. I'm basing SD's gift on her report card this year..Should be a cheap xmas for her.
Anyone else deal with this????
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Frieda -- I like your idea!!
Frieda -- I like your idea!!
Yeah. We are custodial, and
Yeah. We are custodial, and DHs 3 kids all have different BMs, which means 3 different COs for holiday visitation. That's a real joy. I have my 2 bios who are with me 24/7, DH and I have 1 together, and 1 on the way, due in April 2012.
I used to coordinate the holidays so that we would all be together, bending over backwards to schedule. F*<{ that. Now we have holidays when it works for me. It isn't my kids' fault that DH procreated with the lowest forms of life, and they aren't going to pay the price. If the skids are here on holidays, cool! If not, they're at their BMs and their BMs are informed that they are in charge of that child's holiday, as we won't be having a "make up" day or scheduling our holiday around a few people.
My boyfriend's adult brats do
My boyfriend's adult brats do not call him unless they want something (usually money). He gets no calls for Christmas, birthdays, etc. They are horrible children to him. Despite that, he gives them gifts for birthdays and holidays. I actually agree with that, bc at the end of the day, I think he needs to do it. BUT, he decreased his spending last year-50 bucks each for birthdays, 100 each for Christmas. That is not going over so well, but I think they are lucky they get anything. They are beyond ungrateful. Anything he buys they will eventually sell anyway, or break/destroy.
Your SD is getting way too much, but you are doing good in going by her grades!!!!! She is probably so used to so much stuff that nothing will ever be good enough-always wants to see what else she can get.
Get her Dollar Store gifts!
Get her Dollar Store gifts!
We do everyother actual
We do everyother actual Christmas day and the person who didn't have christmas day gets the day after Christmas through new years eve. On our days with SS on Christmas he gets gifts from us and gifts from Santa. If he is with his mom on Christmas like he is this year he will get to open his presents from us the next day but he doesn't get any gifts from Santa. My husband and I both think it is ridiculous for him to have Santa gifts at 8yrs old at 2 different places. Also we don't wait our big dinner we will celebrate Christmas on Christmas SS or no SS, he is celebrating Christmas at his moms so why should our daughter have to wait. We will have a nice but not huge meal the next day with him and open his presents. I did do one thing though and got our daughter a few small gifts to open when SS is opening his because she is so little and won't understand why she is getting any yet, when she gets older I will stop that though.
We set a budget for
We set a budget for SD...Period...Damn a wish list...Damn it forever...DH sets the budget, and at 7 years old...The budget is $50...
Also, MY family doesn't get SD anything...They're out of state and none of them have ever met her other than my mom once...
Christmas in my family isn't a time for everybody to lose their minds buying and buying and buying...I was raised to appreciate the REAL meaning of the holiday, and that's the MAIN focus, and we got a few gifts...and I mean A FEW...
DS will be raised the same way...
I tried getting crazy with a list like all of my friends did when I was young ONCE, and my mom told me to sit my ass down somewhere...
I plan to pass that quote and perspective down...
I have this same problem for
I have this same problem for holidays and birthdays. My SS always throws a fit if he thinks my DD & DS gets more than him, but it never happens that way. I hate the holidays because of this exact reason. We have a horrible dynamic issue or should I say my DH does when it comes to fairness with our kids. I don't compare what my SS gets at his BMs or what mine get at their BDs but I do with what goes on for our side of the family cause I do have control over what happens at our house.
We run into the issue every
We run into the issue every year of "equality".... SK's get gifts from DH and I, and gifts from BM and her DH. We have our Christmas "whenever" because BM has never felt the need to "allow" my DH to have the SK's on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day.
The equality comes in the gifts for my kids vs the gifts for his. As stated, his kids have our Christmas and the BM Christmas. My kids have our Christmas only, as their father passed away. So as bad as it may sound, I feel my kids get a little "cheated" on a couple different levels: 1) they get one Christmas. 2) Our Christmases are for 4 kids, not just 2 so if we have X amount to spend, it's divided by 4. Whereas the SK's have their Christmas with BM (they don't have stepsibs on that side) and don't have to share.
I know it's probably not "fair" but I do tend to buy more stuff for my kids on the side.
Small, token gifts are really
Small, token gifts are really all that adult kids should get. Ours just made 18 and their list might still be long..ish but that's too bad! We do not have the money to spend! How about, all your court costs and probation fees and child support while in a group home? SD. How about all the money you 'borrowed' ostensibly to go to class? SS. How about the $500 you just got to go on a wild goose chase with? SS....screw throwing good money after bad!
I like the idea of buying a jock strap for them...LOL I think I might use that one on DH, since he just seemed to grow a pair in the last year or so...I'll give him one to make sure he KEEPS his!
Christmas best days in the
Christmas best days in the year.Specally when christmas comes it comes with the celebrations of christmas. funny christmas greetings sayings _ inspirational christmas messages