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Hi Everyone-New Here

larose575's picture

Just wanted to say hi to everyone as I am new here. I have been reading some of the postings and already feel a little less alone in being a step parent Smile


berleewyn's picture

Hi there-

I am new to this as well. And I'm finding out that I'm not alone either!! Not that that makes my day any easier..., unfortunately. But nice to know there is support with other stepmoms. If anyone wants to talk, let me know!!??

imagr8tma's picture

Wanted to welcome you to steptalk. I have only been a stepmom for a little over a year.... been hell at times and beautiful at other times.

There are some ladies here who give stellar advice....... enjoy

********She doesn't have to love me or even like me - it doesn't change a dang thing..... So get over it and move on BM!************

Amazed's picture

hey there sweets! Welcome! If there's anything you wanna get off your chest, let us know Wink

Work out your own salvation. Do not depend on others. ~Buddha

Sebbie's picture

Welcome to you Larose!!!

This is a wonderful place, with alot of wonderful advice from alot of wonderful stepparents! I have been a member here for over 2 years. For the most part, life is working wonderfully for me, but I still come to read the great advice, offer what I can, and when I am in need, I know where to turn everytime!