It's like the movie, Groundhog Day- long rant about SD
I wake up and each day feels like the one before. The kitchen's a mess, but it was clean when I went to bed last night. There's more laundry to do. Meals to prepare.
Princess snacked again late last night, and left the mess on the counter. She, Gibby and I are the only ones home this week, until late tonight. I got up and went about my morning chores. I left the mess she made on the counter. Gibby was running around, helping with the things he does.
She finally rolls out of bed, an hour before she has to leave for work. I call out "good morning," and she ignores me. I'm in the bedroom, folding laundry, and I can hear her in the kitchen. I call her in, and ask her a few questions about work and her car. She's had car trouble this week, so I offer her my car for the day. She was being kinda surly, but she's not a morning person. I then tell her that I haven't really asked for much help this summer, since she's been so busy at work. I tell her that she probably isn't aware that Gibby and I have done all the work to keep the house clean and running, and it really annoys me when she snacks late at night and doesn't clean up. I ask her to clean her mess before she leaves. She shrugs her shoulders and leaves the room.
I didn't think this was an awful request. she's 18. And it was actually the third time in three days she did that. The other times, I just cleaned it and went on. Truly, she doesn't work that much. She sleeps till noon. Gets up, primps, has a snack, and leaves for work. She gets home most nights by 8, and heads straight to her room, ignoring everyone and gets online or the phone or goes to sleep. She ventures out to snack after everyone else has gone to bed, so she doesnt' have to talk to anyone.
A few minutes later she's still running around. I go to the laundry room to get something, and I can hear her yelling at Gibby, being really mean. I yell out to her to "lighten up!" Another few minutes pass, and I go to her room to give her something she had been looking for a few days ago- which was right where I told her it would be, and she's not in her room.
I call out her name a few times. Gibby comes in from feeding the dogs and I ask if he saw her. He tells me she left.
She left. No good bye, no see ya later, no thanks for the car. She left.
In my mind, she officially reached B%$^& status at that point.
We have a family rule, never leave without saying good bye. We had a cousin die in an accident, and he didn't tell anyone he was leaving the house. You just don't get in a car or any vehicle and leave without saying good bye. Doesn't matter what mood you're in.
So I sent her a text. Service is bad on our road to her work, so I knew she wouldn't get it till she got to the work parking lot. It just said, "I find it VERY rude that you left the house without saying goodbye..."
She just texted back "I was only doing to you what you did to me this morning."
Excuse me?! Maybe you deserve the title "Princess B$%^&!" I didn't do anything wrong this morning except ask you to clean up your own shit. So what if it was just a bowl and a spoon. As someone leaving for college in 4 weeks, I think you can clean up after yourself.
I fumed for awhile. I let time pass, like The Wife says. Nope. It was still bugging me. The Wife says if it's still bugging after 20 minutes, then deal with it. So I texted back that I was so sorry for doing my chores this morning and keeping the house clean for the family. I'm sorry I loaned her my car, and changed my plans for the day. I told her I was tired of her treating me with such indifference.
I'm still fuming...
Seriously. I bend over backwards for this child. Bio-mom disowned her in May, and she goes around telling people I am the only mother she has, and this is the way she treats me?
I honestly don't get it. She honestly lives like a queen. Unless she's been home for a meal, she hasn't had to do any chores this summer. All she does is sleep and go to work and occassionally see her boyfriend, and go shopping and instead of saving money for school she blows it all on gas station candy and nice dinners with the boyfriend. She does her own laundry. Loghead usually gives her gas money.She has school loans. I'm a bargain shopper and began getting things ready for her dorm LAST summer, so she has everything she needs for school.
She knows I work like hell around here. And in the summer, it doesn't bother me. Hell, if I could be a SAHM, I would be. I actually enjoy housework and doing little things around here- that's the OCD talking. It's when I have to go back to teaching and I work all day and then have lessons to do and papers to grade that I hate having to clean up the house. Everyone around here is old enough to take care of themselves. I shouldn't have to clean everything. My husband and skids can help out. but, damn, if she couldn't just GROW UP already. She could get up earlier and help me. And then she bitches we never do anything, but heaven forbid you ask her to come out of her room, and you'd think we asked her to join a gas chamber or something.
Oh, she has pissed me off today. Seriously, August 14 will not come fast enough. And then, I hope she is begging for her "mommy" to take care of her and she realizes how much shit she gave me, and how she didn't deserve the kind treatment she got anyway.
And while I'm on my rant- why do I still be nice? Because I am truly the only mother she has ever had, and that's what mom's do... I tell myself that some day she will know what I did for her and it will matter. And when she's not in b^%&* mode, she does know what I have done and what I give her, and she is thankful and grateful for it. And she tells me. And she tells her friends. Hell, she even tells her bio-mom...
And even though I'm hurt by her today, and she totally drives me insane, I love her.
But I can't wait for her to leave for college...
- Last-Wife's blog
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Ditto! (I can't wait for my
Ditto! (I can't wait for my SD19 to go back to college). She does all the things your SD does, only she doesn't even begin to try to find a job. Locked up in her room all day, avoids everybody, rummages through the kitchen late at night leaving all the mess to me, NO good mornings and NEVER good byes (she's probably thinking since her daddy gave her a car, she doesn't have to deal with me - it's not about the permission, it's a simple common decency).
She does have a menacingly involved BM (she's still going back and forth between the houses 50/50, how weird is that?!) and that only adds fuel to the fire.
You see - my skids did not breastfeed (so I was told) but now they are drinking their mom's venom in abundance instead.
Oh joy
Last-Wife, I almost commented
Last-Wife, I almost commented on your blog yesterday but I didn't have any terrific ideas for supplies. But, I thought it might help if I relate my past experience with you. I have a 25 year old daughter and back when she was getting ready to go to college, she was... well, a flat out snotty pain in the rear! LOL We were doing orientation at her college the spring before she started and one of the counselors there took us parents to the side and told us about, 'Dirtying the Nest,' syndrome. Evidently, acting out right before they leave for college is quite common. I know that doesn't really help your frustration level at this minute but perhaps it will be helpful to know that this is an issue for all kids, not just the steps. Good luck!
Actually, that does help.
Actually, that does help. Knowing college advisors acknowledge this time period as rough... I guess It's like when she was little and would be a snot right before her mother would pick her up for the weekend. She later told me she did it so I wouldn't miss her when she was gone...
Well! If that's what she's doing right now, I can tell you I won't miss her until at least October! LOL