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Nice grad present from BM...

Last-Wife's picture

... there's a reason I call her Loca Grande.... Princess came home upset after Mother's Day weekend, because she found pot in her room at BMs house. When she confronted Loca Grande, she admitted it was hers. She told Princess she likes to sit in there and smoke; it helps her get over the pain of not having the kids around...

OMG. What a bitch!

So Princess was very upset, and apprehensive to tell us, but she did because she worried about her brothers being around it...

Loghead left it alone, because of grad coming up- he didn't want any hard feelings out in the open. But the day after graduation, he called Gullible, Loca Grande's husband, and talked to him about it. Loghead didn't say anything mean or threatening, just asked that they make sure it wasn't kept in the house where the kids could find it...

Loca Grande calls Princess 5 minutes later and tells her she hates her for stabbing her in the back and telling Loghead. She says she doesn't want to see Princess for a very long time. Princess came in the room and had phone on speaker phone so I could witness. Loca Grande said to her, " I don't care if you go off to college and never come home again. You betrayed me and you're not my daughter any more." :jawdrop: (So she'd rather keep her pot than her kids?)

Princess started to tell her she told Loghead because she was concerned for her and worried the boys might find it, and Loca Grande hung up.



StepMadre's picture

Um. Wow. I don't give a rat's ass if adult's choose to partake in pot smoking on their own time, away from children, but what the hell? She should not be exposing her children to drugs in any form and it is extremely weird and pathetic that she smokes in their room and left her weed lying around in there!!!! If you're going to smoke weed and have kids, don't do it when they are in your custody and keep all evidence and traces of it completely out of their sight and knowledge. She might as well smoke a bowl with her kids before bed if she wants to be a full on horrible mother. Wow. What a loser...

Last-Wife's picture

Yes, BM is a hoot to deal with... It was good to see Princess do the right thing in the name of her brothers....