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To ending one chapter, and starting a new one

Last-Wife's picture

The youngest skid graduated yesterday. For the third time in the last four years, everyone involved in raising the skids gathered together to celebrate. This time it was to honor Lazy Boye 18's graduation from High School. And when I say everyone, I mean EVERYONE. All the skids were home from college, our BS, Loghead's parents, my parents, Loghead's sisters, a few cousins, Loca Grande, her husband, her brother and sister and mom, and 2 of Loca Grande's neices.

We all had lunch together, watched a "this is your life" video, took pictures, talked. And it was nice. i pride myself on the fact that despite as crazy as she is, I have always opened my home to her when the kids need to feel her support, even if it is put on mostly for show...

And that's it. It's over. I feel like I don't have to deal with her anymore... The skids have little contact with her these days, and she is no longer my problem.
