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Now if the rest of the mini-vacation stays like this...

Last-Wife's picture

After lazing in bed with Loghead till 11am (gosh- I love being teachers!), Loghead took Gibby 8 and PITA 16 out for most of the day.

I have brought the Christmas tree out of the basement, and the boxes of ornaments. I have wrapped two packages to take to the post office Friday afternoon. Christmas music is playing. I've made two desserts for a little family gathering tomorrow, and dinner is baking in the oven- my favorite- Tuna Casserole. Screw everyone else! They can eat whatever left overs they like!

Lazy Boye and Princess are still at their mother's. Who knows when they get home! Loghead did tell PITA he at least as to CALL her tomorrow...

Getting ready to do a little school work and then take a peak over my shopping list for Friday morning...

I LOVE days like this!