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Pleasant Weekend around here, for a change

Last-Wife's picture

I was a little panicked Friday night. I did arrive home early, but deathly ill. Loghead informs me Princess is on her way home from college, and bringing a new friend. I ran around like a chicken, cleaning like crazy for about 20 mintues. Then I realized that was ridiculous. If she couldn't have the decency to give us notice she was bringing a friend, she'd have to deal with a messy house.

I stopped cleaning and crawled into a warm bubble bath. When the girls arrived, I came out, snuggled in my favorite robe, kleenex in hand, reeking of Vicks Vapor Rub and no voice. I think Princess quickly got the hint, without me saying a word. She even later came and hugged me, and apologized for not giving notice.

Saturday went off without a problem. It was the local fall festival and Lazy Boye was a prince candidate. He didn't win. But we were all there, and so was Loca Grande and and her mother, and her husband, Gullible. She's had another surgery on a disk in her neck. She was wearing a neck brace, and could hardly move. The heat jumped up unseasonably warm and she was miserable. she ended up leaving early. I admit, I did feel bad for her... But it is nice to see Karma at work.

Lazy Boye left with Gullible to go back there for the rest of the weekend. Princess and her friend decided to go back to the dorm since Princess had left her homework there. I liked the friend! She could come back any time! In fact, I think it annoyed Princess to see how easily the girl and I got along! I asked her all the questions I wanted to ask Princess, but Princess kept avoiding me. The girl wants to be a teacher, and asked me lots about my classroom. It was nice to have that connection since Princess is in whatever phase she's in right now.

PITA had a house full of friends over, since they all had the new HALO game.

I took benedryl and passed out early.

This morning, I deceide because of the rainy weather and the amount of work I had to do, to take Gibby to a nearby fast food place with a playroom. Since we are taking a kids health class together, I am really working to incorporate more activity into his days. (He's about 30 pounds overweight for his height and age...) he played for an hour while I did my paper work. The rain cleared and we discovered a new park on our way home with rock climbing walls. We played tag with other kids and chased each other around for over an hour.

When I got home, Loghead was baking a cake, and cleaning a mess he made last MAY. It's been sitting in our kitchen and the pile was growing. but I never said a word about it. Since he tackled that project on his own, I headed to the laundry room to take care of two little cleaning projects I ahd been avoiding. Home-made soup on the stove for dinner, and a cake cooling on the counter...

Gonna watch some things I set on the DVR and finish up my paper work. What a stress free weekend! I could easily get spoiled by this!