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Princess (SD18) is a bigger idiot than I originally thought! long, kinda funny,sad teenage girl nonsense...

Last-Wife's picture

She's been getting on my nerves for many, many reasons these last few weeks. For example, we discovered last week (due to notices sent from the bank) that she has bounced MANY checks this summer. When looking into her bank records with her, we discovered she made over $1500 since May at her summer job. Great, right? She spent just under $1900! :jawdrop: She was borrowing from her savings account to cover her butt. She blew threw every penny she made, plus her whole savings account. Just since Graduation on May 15. And we discovered over $750 of it was fast food and fancy restaurants. Then a lot on gas. Nothing really to show for all the money she spent.

We catch her on the computer the other night completing a required online survey for incoming freshman. Loghead asks her way she's on that site, since she finished it a few days before. She says Stepping Stone, her boyfriend who is going to the same university, asked her to do it for him, since he was too busy with work... Loghead immediately yanked the computer plug out of the wall and had a lecture with her about academic dishonesty.

A week and a half ago, she pulls me aside and tells me she has to drive to campus to meet with her advisor. She says she woke up at 1 am because "God spoke" to her and "told" her to change her major. Now, interestingly enough, this new major is the same one her lazy- a$$ boyfriend has chosen. Due to car trouble, Loghead wouldn't let her go, so she changed her schedule by email and phone. She even made several calls to various offices on campus and talked to professors to get added into sections that were closed. Honestly, I thought it was stupid to make such severe changes on a whim, as most of the classes she had would have worked for gen ed hours, but I was impressed with how hard she sold herself to these professors and how maturely she handled it all by herself.


She shows me her schedule today, all excited that things fell into place, just like she wanted. She had typed up a color coded chart, very neat and organized. I asked her what the different colors were.

Imagine my surprise when she tells me pink shows the classes she and her boyfriend, Stepping Stone, have together. Three classes. With him. Two of which were ones she convinced her way into...

I didn't say a word, didn't even flinch. I contacted Loghead to question him. He was furious. He is planning to meet with Stepping Stone's parents to get to the bottom of this.

He hasn't talked to her yet, but told me he will not give her the money he's promised her for a few last minute things she needs and wants. She has been a total rat these last few weeks, when we've asked her for help. She gets mad when we won't give her money. It's like she doesn't even remember her dad last his job in December! We've been living on his temp job salary and my teacher's paycheck- which isn't much. And she blew all that money she earned!

Stepping Stone is a nice boy- a good first boyfriend. But not someone I want her to be with "forever," as she talks about it. It's moments like these when I remember she is not my biological child. After all I've done for her in her life, and in her environment, it's still her mother's crazy genetics she has to live with.

Stepping Stone attended a private Christian academy, where they sat in a room and did computer assignments all day. he has no concept of real school work or social interaction. Hell, she goes to his house and cleans his room for him! Just this morning, she called and woke him up and reminded him to wake up so he could get to his doctor appointment on time!

We were so unhappy, disappointed and angry when we discovered at the last minute that he had been accepted to the same university. The same university he had bad-mouthed for months... But it ended up being the only one that would take him. (He graduated a year ago, and took a year off to work...) We had really hoped she would dump him shortly after graduation and start over fresh. He's the kinda guy that always wants to know where she is, what she's wearing and who she's with. If it doesn't agree with him, he tells her this behavior is very "un-Christian."

So now, she's going off to school to "parent" this kid!? Please. Give me a break. It's not 1952.

I just want to shake some sense into her, but I am smart enough not to say anything negative, as I know that will make her want him more. (Uh, hello, that's partly how I ended up married to a divorced man with three kids!) So, as the stepmom, I just sit back and watch. Hard not to have an opinion, as I have raised her the last 12 years. But I am angry and amazed at her stupidity. I also laugh at the ridiculous-ness of it all. Teenage girls ARE stupid.