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update regarding the cows...

Last-Wife's picture

It is funny. Yes, I'm pissed, but I can admit its funny. And get this- Loghead tried to write the calves off as an "anniversary present." I don't know who is crazier- him or me, for marrying him?!

Goodness, when we met he was all "straight laced" business man type, but he has turned into a Green Acres kinda guy. Wanted the kids to have the same kind of upbringing on a farm (which he always described as though he hated) so 5 years ago, we moved back to the town where he was raised, and got this place, five minutes down the road from his parents.

I pretended to be asleep when he got home Wednesday. I just couldn't trust that I wouldn't say something and not cause an argument. Because I knew this would be one of those issues where he wouldn't even ATTEMPT to see my point of view. My point being that a lot of money was spent by someone for creatures on my property without at least INFORMING me of what was going on. It feels sneaky, and makes me feel disrepected and unimportant and not a part of a decision making TEAM.

So when I have issues like this, where I just gotta say my "piece" I send him an email. That way he can respond if he wants, but ignore it otherwise, but it's flagged, so I at least know he read it and has seen how I feel. So i state exactly what I wrote here- that I felt left out and disrespected, and didn't like the skids in my quiet morning routine at 6am, going out to feed the calves.

His response, "You have no idea what decisions were made. You are out in left field."

And that was it. No, 'honey, gee you're right, we should've at least told you, sorry you feel bad..."

Of course I don't know anything about it! No one told me! And then he had the nerve to text a few hours later that they are my "dowery" for our wedding anniversary. (An old joke between us, really, as we were married on a beach in Jaimaica, and my parents hated him at the time, so we always joked about how he never was paid his dowery...)

Ugh. So I'm still ticked off, but I do know it's not worth the fight... UNLESS, the skids are in my space Monday morning. I did respond back to Loghead that my request of them waiting to get up and feed the calves at 6:20 could be my compsensation for leaving me out of the loop. The time I get up from 5:15- 6:00 is my quiet time to prepare for the day and get ready. Things get a little hectic when Gibby is up at 6:00, but I sure as heck don't need the skids underfoot each morning, messing up my day before it even truly begins...

And I'd really like to know who paid for them and who plans to pay for their feed...

It's just not a battle I'm willing to tackle right now...


j-dog's picture

Thank you!
I really, really needed this. DH has HUA today, bigtime. Usually, I at least have a clue why. Today....? Hell, I don't know what came over him. He's just been evil.


There are NO COWS at my house. None. Not a single cow. No one is getting up at dawn to feed cows. No one is buying cows. No one has to go to the Cow Food Emporium to acquire food for cows.

It could SO be worse for me.

caregiver1127's picture

Last-wife - I would go out and buy a beautiful pair of diamond studs - wear them home and tell him that is your anniversary present to him but you are going to wear them - and that even though they don't eat - you put them on his credit card so he will be paying a little bit each month - so it will be like they are eating just not food - lol.

Sorry this is happening and if your skids get up before 6:20 - make them go back to bed - now my question is will you be milking these cows - and if so does DH know that they need to get milked around 4am and then around 4pm - or are they male.

iwishyouwould's picture

Your husband...bought... cows.... and didnt tell you. I am flipping between being flat appalled and laughing. He. Bought. Cows. Jesus. Well that lends a whole new meaning to "when the cows come home". Im sorry. lol.... no really. I am sorry thats not cool.

Marie Antionette's picture

So. . . does that mean you get to buy cows?
Sorry. I want a sheep and have been repeatedly told no, but thats another story. Point is I was told no and am still sheepless. What would happen is you two were to separate your finances? Would the cows be supported without your income to boost? If he wants to keep pulling this state fair stunt he can do it with his own cabbage. Separate out the bills accordingly based on income, particular expenses, etc. For example, FDH wanted netflix, so he's paying for netflix. Your DH wanted cows, he can buy, feed, and maintain his own damn cows. You have the perfect reason now too, "I trust you with our money and you go off and buy cows?!?! Without even telling me?!?"

You may also, of course, want to lay down the b*%ch-beast hammer of Thor-ina and demand each new venture in his acres of green must be able to show sustainability or profit, or cost recovery over x amount of time, and if he cant justify the expense then its a no go. And should the no go be gone by you will make your own nonsensical expense at the local fire arms store and give him something to practice his butchering skills on for the next two days.

And if he gets pigs tell him to use sand instead of a dirt and mud pit, it significantly reduces the smell and the pigs like it better.