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Damnit SO--O/T

lawyergirl06's picture

I rarely, if ever, complain about SO. For the most part I have hit the jackpot. He's kind, considerate, loving and an amazing father who makes sure he tells me EVERYDAY how much he appreciates me. He takes the burden off me as much as possible, and never complains when I work late or put my career first. But this morning, I may commit homicide.

I suffer from really bad sleep patterns. Always have but they got worse during law school. Falling asleep sans pill or alcohol is nearly impossible. Staying asleep is even worse. Last night I was exhausted. SO wears a sleep apnea mask and if he doesn't wear it, he snores so loud the bed turns into a magic fingers massager, which would be nice if it wasn't for the utter ear rape that comes with it.

So last night, I couldn't sleep. Decided to let him go to sleep first. When it came time for bed for me, I went into the bedroom. The apnea machine was on but the mask wasn't. Turns out SO ripped it off in his sleep. Woke him up and had him put it back on. That lasted ten minutes. Woke him up again, again he tears it off. Finally, rather than continuing to fight with him in his sleep, I moved to the couch. Mind you this is about 2 a.m.

Five a.m. I am asleep and he wakes me up. He is confused why I am sleeping on the couch. I explain and he apologizes and tells me to come back to bed. Lays there with me holding me while I start to fall asleep. Then immediately he starts snoring. Damnit. I wake him up, he tells me he isn't going back to sleep. Thirty seconds later, he is sawing logs again.

But here's the kicker. Three and a half hours of sleep and now I can't go back to sleep. I laid there for half an hour tossing and turning and nothing. So, I'm fit to be tied. Why the hell couldn't he just let me sleep on the couch. I get that he was being sweet but now I am awake, bleary eyed and I have a busy day at the office. If I make it to five, it will be a miracle and that asshat is currently sawing logs while I am watching Snapped. I think I understand the women profiled on this show.


imjustthemaid's picture

Oh no that's terrible!! It's the opposite in my house. My DH is up all night. Every time he gets up it wakes me up. He sleeps with the tv blaring. And he opens all the windows so I have to sleep in an Eskimo outfit to stay warm. Lets just say I haven't slept in over 6 yrs. Some nights I want to kill him. Usually it's when he is watching the military channel as loud as it can go.

Lalena75's picture

I totally feel for you! I've had sleep problems since I was 12. 3 years ago my dr. Started trying different sleep meds and it wasn't pretty and I'd do weird things in my sleep (dishes in the washer, putting nic nacks in the fridge) finally she hit on why i can't sleep my brain does NOT shut up! So xanax low dose at bedtime has been my saviour even when SO snores! I fall asleep and stay asleep and even with my internship hours being crazy if I need a nap I can take half. If it's been really stressful a xanax and a melatonin work wonders.
I hope you get yourself some sleep tonight.

lawyergirl06's picture

The problem is SO is VERY physically fit. He had horrible asthma as a child and then allergies in his teens so the weight thing isn't an issue. It's rarely a problem but sometimes he just tears that damn thing off. Got about ten text messages already this morning about how sorry he is and he is getting fit for a new mask at 10. Maybe he will live through the night Smile

doll faced sm's picture

Ugh! I totally sypmathise. My DH snores and "eats" in his sleep. It's so loud that it's impossible for me to fall asleep if he falls asleep first. *AND* my DH does the same thing should I attempt to sleep elsewhere in the house.

lawyergirl06's picture

LOL eats in his sleep? That would be enough for me to put the pillow over his face! SO tells me that when I am really stressed I will talk in my sleep, loudly, about random things that make no sense. He finds it quite amusing. It's ok if I fall asleep first, I am a very heavy sleeper, but the damn guy falls asleep as soon as his head hits the pillow. And god forbid he wants to spoon because I get the cold blast of air in the back of my head all night.

doll faced sm's picture

Yeah, not actual food, though, dream food. She smacks loudly and clincks his teeth together as he chews. It started around Jan/Feb of last year when he lost the ability to eat. I hoped it would go away when he got better. No such luck.

misSTEP's picture

My husband and I both have sleep issues.

He has sleep apnea but I have gotten used to his snoring. It is soothing like white noise now. He also sleepwalks AND acts out his dreams. THAT gets a little scary when you wake up and your DH has his hands around your neck because he's dreaming that he's protecting you from a burglar!! He sleepwalks and sleepeats. Meaning, he will sleepwalk and grab something to munch on and come back to bed to eat it. Usually, that ends up with food all over everything.

My sleep issue is that I have a problem called Periodic Limb Movement Disorder. This is kind of like Restless Leg Syndrome but it happens when I am completely sleeping. I will start kicking my leg - about three episodes per minute.

So yeah. We are considering getting separate beds (maybe twins we can push together if we want?) when we move to our house.

lawyergirl06's picture

Wow! I should count myself lucky! SO is a nighttime cuddler and I get really hot when I sleep so I have to push him off of me most of the time. He is also a sleep "poker" (sorry TMI I know) so every now and again I get that uncomfortable poke in my lower back. Come to think of it....I'm not sure how I ever get any sleep. Biggrin

Unhappy's picture

My DH falls asleep as soon as his head hits the pillow. He doesn't sleep walk or snore either. He does talk in his sleep, usually about work, which I love because I can sit there and ask him questions about what he's doing in his dreams and he'll answer them. The only issue that I have with him and his sleeping habits is the random smack upside the head. It usually wakes him up immediately when he does it and he apologizes for it but I can tell you ladies there's nothing more shocking then being woken up by the back of somebodies hand. Lol

oneoffour's picture

I snore apparently and for the last year DH has slept in another room. It is what it is and for both of us to sleep this is what needs to happen.

I bought a mouthguard thingy which seems to be working. And DH is now on Xanax (extremely light sleeper. So much so that I wonder if his eyes actually shut)to help his anxiety and sleep issues. So far, so good.

If you need to sleep in another bed, so be it. It doesn't mean your marriage is over, you just need to adapt to your present sleep conditions.

Pinki3663's picture

I sleep walk and feel terrible for my SO. I have slept walked since I was a child and I do it at least twice a week. I call myself an "angry sleepwalker". I do some awful things to SO like ripping the pillows and blankets from him and demanding that he go check on the frogs that HE put in the bathtub. I yell a lot about imaginary things. Sometimes I wake up in my closet with the door shut, always hate when I do that because I can't quite figure out where I am and it scares me. Never been a sleep eater thank goodness.