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Fit to be tied

lawyergirl06's picture

The kids talked to their mom last night for the first time in three months. If you have read my previous blogs you know that BM is a raging drunk who has been in and out of mental hospitals and treatment centers for the past three months. She got kicked out recently from a long term treatment program.

The phone calls are supervised by a third party. I had to take the kids there and back because SO had parent teacher conferences at the same time and someone needed to transport them. When I got there the staff of the facility asked me to wait rather than leave and come back because they weren't sure what state mom would be in and how long the phone call would last. I sat two doors away and could hear the tone of their conversation if not all the words. Overall it seemed to be going fine.

SS4 came out of the phone call early and said that mom wouldn't answer him when he said hello and that she was only talking to SD6 and SD9. We sat and read a book while they finished their conversation and when everyone came out they were rambunctious and high strung and were happy to have talked to mom. They were chatting excitedly about the visit that was coming up this weekend and all the things mom said she was going to bring them. Prior to the phone call they read a letter that mom had written to them while still in treatment (it takes a while for mail to come through apparently) and they were genuinely happy when the staff said she was on the phone. On the car ride home, SD9 and I had to have a discussion about listening and following directions and her general attitude, something we have to do after every contact with mom, but she snapped to pretty quickly. When we got home and I was putting SD6 to bed she asked me why we were poor (we aren't really, just frugal) and stated that her mom said that's why they were in trouble for buying junk at the book fair because Daddy is poor and doesn't spend his money right. Other than that, it was a pretty uneventful night and everyone went to bed, without too much drama.

This morning, while I am getting ready for work, SO calls me to ask me why I didn't tell him that the kids ripped mom a new one. Says BIL called this morning and BM, three sheets to the wind, called her mother last night and stated that she was done, she gives up. The kids told her they never want to see her again and she shouldn't promise anything because she can't deliver it. Said SS4 said he never wants to see her again. Of course she was drunk while talking to her parents, and of course she again made it someone else's fault. Said she wouldn't have been drinking if SO hadn't turned the kids against her.

I am fucking furious this morning. It's one thing to be manipulative. It's one thing to lie about interactions with SO or things that he may have said about her. It's one thing to claim that everyone is against you, but to use your own fucking kids as a tool of manipulation with your parents. To make your kids sound like they are evil little brats when really all they are is craving the chance to spend time with you, all so you can justify being wasted. What the fuck dude, seriously? I had to set BIL straight this morning and his statement to me was, "Well, she'll probably die soon anyway, we are all expecting it." Soon, soon is not soon enough.


lawyergirl06's picture

The worst part is I was so frustrated with them last night after I got them home. I told SO I wanted no further part of the phone visits and I think they could tell I wasn't the happiest camper when he got home. Makes me feel like crap today.