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The mentally ill and dangerous subject is now contained.

lawyergirl06's picture

The hearing took four hours (it usually takes 1). There were 5 witnesses for the State and warthog testified on her own behalf. The Board took 15 minutes to decide that she was a mentally ill and dangerous person and constitutes a danger to herself.

She is committed to long term treatment at a women's facility (60 days is long term) and then follow aftercare. She is spitting mad and sitting in a lockdown mental hospital for the time being until she can be accepted and a bed is open. She will likely stay in the hospital for at least a week to up to a month before her bed is open.

This is great for the divorce case except that she will likely come out of treatment and then start fighting for custody. The problem is that she is delusional as well and the treatment center she is going to doesn't handle mental health issues. I have a feeling that even if the custody is taken care of quickly (she's under a guardianship and has a GAL and both are on board with us having custody and with the property statement as it is) she will come out and drag us back to court over and over for custody or increases in visitation or what have you.

I hope she gets better, assume she won't and silently pray she will just disappear. Not die, necessarily, but disappear until the youngest is old enough for visits where she can call us when mom is drunk. But I doubt the fates will be that kind to me.


SMof2Girls's picture

See, now this is one of those cases where I can't help but wonder what our DH's were thinking when it came to the ex's!

Enjoy your 60 days of crazy-free Smile

lawyergirl06's picture

She didn't really start drinking heavily until about 4 years ago and by then they had three children. Her drinking got out of control right after child number 3 was born and she went to treatment (twice) since that time. He wanted to be the stand up guy. Remember this woman used to have a professional license and has a master's degree. She wasn't always a mess, she was able to hold it together for years. Now, some of the mental health stuff is probably due to the damage she has done to her brain with the heavy drinking but it's hard to know which came first, the chicken or the balls to the wall crazy.

SMof2Girls's picture

It's really kind of sad. Just wow. Best of luck to you .. I really hope she gets some help and doesn't spend that whole 60 days thinking of ways to get back at you guys ..

lawyergirl06's picture

It really is. The saddest part is that she will never ever understand that her actions have led to a lot of the things that have happened to her, and that worse, they affect her children. She is locked up in the treatment hut at a mental institution and trying to demand that the kids come to visit her while she is in her paper gown and heavily medicated. And not just saying, "oh you need to bring them," but actually saying bring them or I will file a motion and have custody taken away from you. It's really disturbing, hence the collection of assholes comment last time.